Special Investigation: State terror campaign around Jayapura

Child kidnapping, arbitrary arrests, shootings and beatings of West Papuan civilians to divert attention from military destabilisation of civil resistance.

Special Investigation by Nick Chesterfield at westpapuamedia.info, with special correspondents in Abepura

A massive upsurge in “mysterious acts of violence” around the Jayapura region of West Papua has many local observers blaming Indonesian security forces. There is a dedicated offensive to “crush separatism” and dissuade Papuan civil society from engaging in advocacy for self-determination, ahead of a planned Third Papuan People’s Congress and amid escalating mass civil resistance for independence.
 September 9, 2011
An eight-year-old Papuan girl was abducted by police and scores of civilians have been arbitrarily detained and beaten by Indonesian forces in an aggressive security sweep campaign around Jayapura, West Papua.

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