Greens’ spokesperson for West Papua, Senator Richard Di Natale, has expressed his deep concern for those involved in the violent clashes at the Grasberg mine site in West Papua, where ongoing pay disputes have led to one protester being killed and eight others injured by armed security forces.
“I was saddened to hear of this worker’s death and the injuries sustained by others protesting,” said Senator Di Natale.

What was a peaceful strike became violent when Indonesian police opened fire on the Freeport Mine workers. This conflict comes on the back of news that ten West Papuan activists were arrested by Indonesian authorities in Jayapura last week for being in possession of material that featured the banned West Papuan Morning Star flag.
“There needs to be a thorough investigation into the shooting and acts of violence that occurred against ordinary workers.”
“I am deeply concerned that the conflict in West Papua is escalating . The only long term solution is to ensure that the West Papuan people are free to determine their own future.”