JAYAPURA: Papua interim governor Syamsul Arif Rivai said that the third Papua people’s congress, held from Oct. 17 to 19, was a form of democracy and guaranteed by the law, as long as it was not anarchic and its activities did not disturb others.

“There’s no problem, as it is part of democracy and the state guarantees freedom of organization, so long as it does not disturb other people, is not anarchic or against the law and remains within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia,” he told reporters in Jayapura on Tuesday.

In response to the hoisting of the separatist Bintang Kejora flag incident, Rivai said it was tolerable because it was carried out internally and it was also part of democracy.

Separately, in a press conference, congress organizing-committee chairman Selpius Bobii said that the second day of the meeting heard viewpoints from representative factions, such as the Free Papua Movement TPN, traditional community councils, West Papua National Authority and all components of society.

In the afternoon, the congress proceeded with the division of commissions, comprising of political committees, legal commissions, financial commissions and special committees. Selpius said that on Oct. 19, the commissions would deliver their recommendations. The congress will wind up on Oct. 22.

The congress is being held at the Zhakeus Field with minimum facilities, but secured tightly by Papua Land Guardian (Petapa) members. Journalists who are not equipped with press cards issued by the organizers are not allowed to enter the congress area and are banned from taking pictures.

Minke in Yogya | Wed, 19/10/2011 pm31 19:10pm

Is this democracy or a military dictatorship?
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Markus Hagenauer in Surheim | Wed, 19/10/2011 pm31 17:10pm

Ther is freedom of expression, as long as it "remains within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia". Does not that mean, you can say everything, as long as it is not contraty to the opineon of the government. If talking about independence is not allowed, how can someone claim Indonesia is a honest democracy? I hope the United Nations will no longer look the other way if security forces coninute attacking civilians expressing their opinion.