National Police chief Gen. Timur Pradopo on Friday admitted that his institution had accepted money from PT Freeport to each officer who helped secure the firm’s assets in Papua.

Timur, however, said the money was officers’ extra allowance for serving in Papua.

“[The money] can be accounted for, because it is in Papua,” he said Friday, as quoted by

Timur added that living costs in Papua were higher than in other parts of Indonesia. The officers’ standard allowance, he said, would not have been enough to cover their basic needs.

He added that the money given by Freeport, which according to Kontras human rights watchdog was Rp 1.4 million per officer per day, was handed directly to officers in Papua.

Timur argued that the acceptance of such money did not violate any laws or regulations.

“If there are funds from agencies or companies wanting to give security incentives, it should be accountable,” he said.

Comments (5)

salau | Sat, 29/10/2011 - 12:10pm

hahaha.... that joker just confirmed one thing: that corruptions in Indonesia is systemic and collective!!! in short mr police chief is saying "WTF, kontras...this corruption is collective and involved hundreds if not thousands police officers who have served there.. you wanna F around?"
hahaha... this is damn funny...
that's why indonesians always argue and debate even when by any standards they are clearly wrong.. only by indonesia standard such practices can and is allowed to be argued... clowns...

sheldon | Sat, 29/10/2011 - 06:10am

"Timur, however, said the money was officers’ extra allowance for serving in Papua" Hahaha. A rose by any other name still smells like a rose and this smells like corruption. Tthis is the police chief personally selected by the president. Hello KPK. Are you listening?

ketok magic | Sat, 29/10/2011 - 05:10am

Wrong Mr. T. Pradopo. Accepting anything aside from your salary is corruption. If the chief upholds one of the directive about gifts, parcels and "gratitude items", then he should back off on his statement. There is no argument the arrangement is immoral and illegal.

kortsleting | Sat, 29/10/2011 - 04:10am

Here we can see again and again that Indonesia's main problem really is the police. That institution needs to change, perhaps like American style sheriff who is directly elected by the people.

OrangKampung GL | Fri, 28/10/2011 - 17:10pm

This is exactly the Divide et Impera that (Neo-)VOC are/were soooo good at; and sorry Pradopo fell into that trap. Rp1.4Million/day ($4500/mo?) per officer only benefits few.

Saudi Aramco model; this largest oil mine/well in the world; made Saudis very wealthy:

Every Saudi working for Saudi Aramco already reaches American salary, definitely much more than $4500/mo (my experience working there).

While I could not promise same would work if Freeport became “iFree” (Indonesia Free(port); the future employees of iFree could definitely see a much better future.

Declare your own ECONOMIC independence. Timor Timur became independent, so past agreements: Freeport owning 90+% of Grasberg should also be voided.

TECHNICAL EXPERTS could be obtained easily from the open world market; plus Indonesian schools & universities are excellent. It even produces an Obama, a USA President.