From the Australian Greens office of Senator Richard Di Natale

Question and motion that Senator Richard Di Natale, Greens spokesperson for West Papua, put to the Australian Senate this week, on Tuesday 1 November.

Senator Richard Di Natale  put a question to the Minister representing the Minister for Home Affairs, Joe Ludwig, regarding the Australian government's support for the Indonesian military, in light of recent events in West Papua. Senator Di Natale also moved a Motion in the Senate to condemn the violent crackdown at the recent Papuan People's Congress, to recognise the rights of West Papuans to freely assemble, and to call for the humane treatment and timely release of those arrested.

Richard is working to raise awareness of the situation in West Papua, and to seek the Australian government’s action to suspend their ties with the Indonesian military.

You can watch and share a video of Senator Di Natale’s Senate question and motion here:

You can also follow Richard’s work as Greens spokesperson for West Papua here:

Senator Richard Di Natale appeared on Lateline on Thursday 27 October, discussing the Greens' views on the recent violence in West Papua.

Senator Richard Di Natale yesterday put a question to the Minister representing the Minister for Home Affairs, Joe Ludwig, regarding the Australian government's support for the Indonesian military, in light of recent events in West Papua. Senator Di Natale also moved a Motion in the Senate to condemn the violent crackdown at the recent Papuan People's Congress, to recognise the rights of West Papuans to freely assemble, and to call for the humane treatment and timely release of those arrested.