Human rights watchdog Imparsial has criticized President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for his slow response to the Papua conflict, highlighted by the fact he has yet to install a development acceleration unit chief.

Imparsial said Lt. Gen. Bambang Dharmono had not yet been installed as Papua and West Papua development acceleration unit chief, despite his appointment already having been regulated in presidential decrees.

“I am concerned that this problem will linger on without a solution,”
Imparsial executive director Imparsial Poengky Indarti said Tuesday,
as quoted by

Poengky explained that despite the issuance of presidential decrees No. 66/2011 and No. 154/2011 stipulating Dharmono’s appointment, the military official could not start work before he was officially installed by the President.

She said that the President’s sluggishness on the matter was an indication of his lack of commitment in efforts to handle the conflict in Papua, at a time when leadership is in dire need to prevent the situation from deteriorating further.

Poengky said Imparsial, along with the people of Papua, had placed their
hopes on the development acceleration unit to support the community in efforts to overcome the conflicts, by holding dialogues in the interests of
the region’s development.

Bambang Dharmono gained regional development experience when he helped rebuild a conflict-torn Aceh after the Helsinki peace pact.

Comments (1)

Kobe Oser | Tue, 01/11/2011 - 22:11pm

What more diplomacy is needed?Controlling West Papua by deploying more armed forces instead of economic skilled workers and entrepeneurs for developing the country is certainly not of this time.How can RI keep on explaining its Good Governance for WP to the world-opinion?It is only by a back up of the Coalition of the Willing, that RI can maintain its stance in West Papua Melanesia. But for how long as West Papuans cannot negotiate with the thief-state RI.With their vast natural wealth Papuans can easily buy an improved form of democracy.The Coalition of the Willing needs to withdraw their carte blanche to RI as RI proved to be incapable of managing West Papua Melanesia on a modern standard.The UN C-24 needs to re-implement the 1962 NY Agreement for a better Papuan-approved deal. With a functioning UN, why can't this issue be adressed?