TAPOL Press release

Papuan student in the town of Wamena in West Papua's central highlands.

Yusuf Hiluka, set alight by police officer in Wamena on Oct 19 (via TAPOL)

According to a report received by TAPOL, at around 04:45 am on
Wednesday 19 October, Yusuf Hiluka, 23, was stopped outside the office
of the Regent of Jayawijaya District by two officers from Satpol PP
(Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja), the district civil security unit, while
making his way from a friend's house to the Wamena bus terminal.
Without questioning Mr Hiluka, the Satpol PP officers poured glue on
his head and set it alight. Mr Hiluka's head and the back of his neck
were engulfed in flames.

Mr Hiluka fled screaming to the nearby police station to seek
protection. The perpetrator was detained immediately and held in
police detention. An investigation has been conducted, and in
accordance with customary law, a payment by the perpetrators to the
victim's family is being arranged.

Mr Hiluka suffered burns to his forehead and hands [1], and according
to reports he is still awaiting hospital treatment for his wounds.

The motive for this attack is not known, but it is yet another
unexplained incident in a series of violent events that have
devastated West Papua in recent months. It occurred on the same day
that up to six people were killed during the violent dispersal of the
Third Papuan Peoples' Congress by Indonesian security forces in the
provincial capital, Jayapura [2].

TAPOL calls on the regional Chief of Police, Inspector General Bekto
Suprapto, to recognise the gravity of this cowardly attack, ensure
that a thorough independent criminal investigation is carried out and
that those responsible are brought to justice. The use of customary
law in such cases cannot be deemed sufficient, either in obtaining
justice for the victim, in punishing the perpetrator, or in acting as
a deterrent against future violations.


Contact: Paul Barber +44 (0) 7747 301 739 or Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

1. Photos of Mr Hiluka and his injuries are available on request from TAPOL.

2. See TAPOL/WPAT/ETAN press release, 'Indonesian crackdown on Papuan
Congress sparks outrage', 20 October 2011, at