Please support for the freedom and justice of the West Papua people where daily atrocities are commited against the population of West Papua by the Indonesia (NKRI) dictatorship. Daily people are illegally arrested, tortured, beaten, humiliated, abused. Women and men are sexually abused in prisons, men and women and children are physically abused and tormented in prisons. Children, men, women are imprisoned for simply protesting for freedom and deomcracy in West Papua. The Indnesia Republick is supressing a nation and opressing a nation which is fighting for democracy and freedom that they are been denied for hundreds of years.

There are many recordings, pictures, reports, personal accounts, pictures of injuries and fatalities of Bahrain population on the internet recorde with personal phones and peoples webcams and cameras. The atrocities have been carried out against them by the indonesia military forces under ‘martial law’. The atrocities and injustice commited is beyond all limits and breaking all human rights, even wildlife is not treated the way the West Papua citizens are been treated and chased down. Hospitals are forcefully closed by Indonesia forces so that the injured do not receive treatment, prisons are full of political prisoners. The situation has escalated to a genocide, a silent genocide. The streets have become hunting grounds for these Indonesia forces that hunt in packs to find any citizens arrest them, beat them, imprison them and torture them for simply being in the street, not to mention if they are caught protesting (peacefully)

Please Support for the freedom of West Papua political prisoners which will be sent to the UN and other human rights groups as well as the West papua governement demanding the release of West Papua political prisoners, as well as the further freedom of West Papua to pursure their freedom and deomcracy free from Indonesia Colonial regime influence and rule.
May God bless you all and help against the injustice done to the West Papua people and bring those responsible for these crimes to justice away from the ability to harm anyone else in the world!
Turius Wenda (Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.)