Since the 1960’s to date does not go over Papua conflict, massacres, shootings, arbitrary arrests, discrimination, human rights abuses, domination and many other cases have become everyday reality rill in Papua, Papua people had been the most dominant victims, there is no goodwill by the competent menghakiri find solutions for all cases of conflict in Papua.

We have just seen a case of 17 to 20 October 2011, when the people of Papua mengelar Congress III, Apparatus joint army / police to disperse the power of war equipment has been forced, as a result the people of Papua are not spared from this series of brutal action, and has killed at least 6 people (according to Komnas HAM report). and also strike at PT. Freeport has swallowed 3 people victims of the brutality of the security forces.

The Jakarta government considers Papua is an integral part of the Homeland (Price Dead), but the real conditions in Papua have questioned the government goodwill. if it is part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia Papua why Jakarta is not concerned with the conflict in Papua?,
The intellectuals papua papua always voiced that the issue should diselesaian peaceful way through dialogue jakarta-papua. idea of ??this dialogue has been driven by institutions under the coordinator of LIPI Indonesia Muridan W, along with Papua Peace Network (JDP) Neless Father Tebay, but Jakarta has always refused and did not respond seriously.
Current status of Papua special autonomy implemented in accordance Regional Affairs Act number 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy for Papua province. The Government considers autonomy final solution (win-wing Solution), but for 10 years the implementation of special autonomy, there is no sign of the success of the alias failed.
Protecsi against people papua reality is, all sectors are dominated by the migram (immigrants), so the native people of Papua in marjinalkan on their own land.
We see substantial autonomy was actually a result of political compromise, because at that time asked for an independent Papua so that the government offered special autonomy. livelihoods of real autonomy is not the solution but a political solution, Jakarta and the provincial government to think that autonomy is identical with the money so that the value of trillions of dollars it is causing conflict because money is the root of all evil.
Solution through dialogue is the best way to offer the policy but Jakarta has always deviated to the aspirations of the people of Papua. Jakarta set papua with the will and mind their own (not aspirational).
If the government does not ignore the serious and Papua conflicts continue to occur, then it was likely the Indonesian government will bear the consequences. although the Papua conflict is a problem in the country but can not escape from the Homeland international pressure. State governments do not assume NKRI sovereign, Indonesia could have brought on furum negotiations.
of conditions and the fact rill in Papua continue to happen and ignored then I’m sure the government will hand over Papua as a sovereign country without a battle, because in politics there is no fixed price, we learn from the case of Kosovo, Sudan, Egypt and others.


John Pitcher

11/02/2011 01:14 AM
As I am sure you realise the root problem is that West Papua has too much valuable resource for its own good.

Everyone wants access and they will pay for that access and ignore the human rights of anyone who gets killed or moved in the process.

The situation will not be reversed or brought under control until the countries exploiting the mines take a part and insist on basic human rights for the people of Papua. These companies hold the key. If they reduce or stop their activities until the Papuans are given a decent autonomy deal; if they stop the payment of taxes for a while the Indonesian Government will react swiftly and cooperate.

Instead the corporations maintain their payments (cash) to local police and military for 'security' and the police and the military have a vested interest in instability within the community and increase it at every opportunity. The mining companies then pay for more 'security' and round the problem goes.

The mines are doing immense environmental damage and the people running the operations cannot operate at the profit levels they require unless they act in an environmentally damaging manner.

The pressure has to come from outside and it is really the responsibility, after this much time, of the American, British and Australian governments and the people to put pressure on the mining giants to act responsibly. If these megaliths do act responsibly then the Indonesian government will be forced to act against its criminal elements within the armed forces and the police.

Simply blaming Indonesia will achieve nothing.



11/02/2011 01:47 AM
Thank you, from all the policies and exploitation in the name of development has been sacrificed people of Papua, as the owner of the land of Papua. We hope that solidarity and international pressure the Indonesian government to respect the rights of the people of Papua


John Pitcher

11/02/2011 08:29 AM
The Indonesian Government will not respect the rights of the Papua people until it is forced to do so. The only way to force it to do so is through the governments of the mining corporations taking action to insist the companies involved act responsibly with reference to the people and the environment of Papua. It is only the market that will force a change in the attitudes of the Indonesian Government.



11/02/2011 10:52 AM
Isn't Indonesia a democracy? And aren't you always telling we Brits that the Iraq/Afghan wars are our responsibility, irrespective of whether or not we supported them, irrespective of whether or not we voted for the governing parties, simply because this is a democracy.?

So, applying your logic, don't blame the government........blame the voters. YOU, and your family, are amongst those responsible for the disgrace that is PNG. And trying to foist the blame onto, inter alia, the British government is laughable.


John Pitcher

11/02/2011 11:25 PM
Absolutely true. The British democracy may be several hundred years old and the Indonesian one only seven years old but the Indonesian people must be made to understand their collective responsibilities under a democracy as must the British. The responsibility is not just that of the government alone.

Within a democracy it is your voice that must be heard and when your country is involved in invasions and in the exploitation of a weaker population; individuals carry responsibility too.

Britain is a part of the exploitation of Papua and it is a part of the wars in the areas you mention. The British Government, the American, and the Australian along with the Indonesian are all implicit in Papua's distress and their populations should be made aware of this and the populations should act accordingly. Hence the movements in Indonesia to support West Papua.

And hence I my friends and my family put ourselves at risk by supporting West Papua. We do so here, in Indonesia, not something that is popular with the government and not something I believe you would do in the same position since you accept no responsibility for your own government and your own democratic duties with respect to your slaughter around the world and your acceptance of the same behaviour in Papua.

The Indonesian Government, like the British et al, is ignoring the wishes of the people of Papua and of the rest of Indonesia. As I said the only way these governments (any of them) will react is through the market.

When you reach the same moral standpoint on this as me, my friends and my family get back to me.