Follow Up Report on the Threat by Vanimo Police Commander on West Papuan Refugees Please Call Sandaun Police Commander by phone: +675-73897970

We would like to update all of our readers, supporters of Free West Papua Campaign around the world regarding the plan from the Vanimo Police Commander to burn down houses of West Papua refugees taking refugee in PNG State territory of our Papua Land.

There are some possible scenarios behind this plan:


The first possibility is that Indonesian intelligence agencies are operating to attack active commanders in the jungles like General Nggoliar Tabuni, General Titus Murib and General Mathias Wenda following up successful operations that killed General Kwalik last year.

The agens are planning to force all commanders to be united under the organisation that was set up by the Indonesian Intelligence Agency (BIN) that has been operating at the border areas for years now. The Indonesian government is pushing the agenda of continuous communication (NOT Dialogue) with Papuan leaders, including those in the jungles.

The second possibility is that the Sandaun Police Commander is reported being paid by the Indonesian agents who are now gathering in Vanimo, Sandaun Province to hold their own congress. We do not know what is the purpose of the Congress, but most probably to counter the Papuan Peoples Congress last month.

A third possible reason is that the WPNA (14-starts group) who held Papua Congress III recently now forcing General Wenda to join in their command and support their resolution. He had been repeatedly threatened by the WPNA’s military spokesperson to accept the outcome of the Congress. As you are aware of, all OPM leaders and liberation army commanders in the jungle refused the Congress and its declaration.

We ask you to verify what is actually happening in the filed directly the Sandaun Police Commander by phone: +675-73897970.

Thank you very much for your support.

A. Tabi
