Village Party in the bird's head bay (vogelkopbaai) in West Papua. The musicians play on self made ukuleles, guitars and a bass drum. People sing and dance all night, till the sun comes up. After 8 minutes you see a white Papua, or Papua Putih. This video is recorded in 2006. Nowadays parties like

this are forbidden in this region. Even buying alcohol is forbidden but the Indonesian police does sell alcoholic beverages at high prices. The nearest by city was Manokwari.

The Papuans are being suppressed by the Indonesians authorities. The Indonesians do not like the Papua's to play their own music. For raising the Papua flag people get jailed 15 years. West Papua is a former Dutch colony but after a military attack by Indonesia it became UN-mandate in Indonesian hands. Then the Indonesian military organized a referendum by which the people could choose for Independence or becoming a Indonesian province. It is widely known that the referendum was a fraud; only 1025 people could vote and the voters were chosen by Indonesians who already bribed them or tortured them to have them vote for Indonesian rule. Normally with a referendum the whole population may vote. The UN, the Dutch government and all the other nations of the world let the Papuans down. After Papua became an Indonesian province a genocide took place and an estimated number of 400.000 people were killed. Furthermore Indonesia let mainly US companies come in to extract all the natural resources like oil, copper, gold and other precious metals. Here is a report of Yale University about this situation: Yale University West Papua report