Secretariat : Victoria Street Jayapura Papua
Mobile Phone :  085254374561, 085244473281, 081344420906, 081248723807, 081344564159

Number     :   01/PAN.P50 TEKBP/XI/2011
Subject      :   Report and approval  for Prayer  and Thanks  Giving  Celeberation
                        Of Papua 2011 Yubilee Year,  December  1, 2011

Your Excellency
Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
President of the Republic Of Indonesia

Thank Thee, O Lord.
Dear Mr. President of the Republic of Indonesia, allow us on behalf of the People of Papua, we the committee of  the 50 Year Yubilee of Papua  Emergence  or  “Papua 2011 Yubilee Year “, extend to you  this report  as  the  leader of  Indonesia  People  and state.

Firstly, we wish that God Almigthy, the Creator of  Heaven and Earth, bless and protect you and your family, and may the wisdom of God that surpasses all understanding be with you always.

The Salvation Massage For Indonesia.
We believe and we pray : “ The Spirit of God is upon you as His  servant  in this time to bring good news for suffering people, and comfort people of broken hearted, to deliver the massage of freedom to the captive  people  and  to detainees  for  release  from  prison  to  deliver  the Year  of  God’s  Salvation that it has come to Indonesia and Papua.

As you know the  Third Papua People Congress, which was the highest decision  making forum of Papua People, supported  by  4000 representation of various indigenous  Papuan People  elements have democratically declared the emergence of West Papua Federal State in Jayapura, on  October  19, 2011  by Mr. Forkorus Yaboisembut as the President and Mr. Ev. Edison Waromi as the Prime Minister, according to Papuan People Political Aspiration that lasted for 50 years since 1961. This real aspiration rose from the deepest conscience  of the sons of the land of Papua.
We are eager that Your Exellency  be willing to meet with our two leaders.

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This aspiration echo indeed brings  us all our tiring ups and downs as a nation, even people became victims and  experiencing loss of properties that followed  through time and generations.

We are eager that all these problems be solved quickly and completely, as well as your self , so that the Polical Status of Papua can be solved  in the guiding hands of God,s  Spirit with your leadership as God’s Servant to find solution for the nations. We believe that God will impact the truth and praises in Indonesia before all nations  on the earth from today  onward.                                                                                                                                                

What we   are  debating  so far is not  the  issue  of  people’s   welfare   but  the  Indentity  Papuans as a nation and  their Political Status   that need  to  be restored for the  peace of Indonesia  and the world.

Therefore, in your capacity as the President of The Republic of Indonesia, we in all our humbleness would like to report  the following :

1. Already 50 years since 1961, we have been following  the life trend  of the Papuan People including the integration era with NKRI since 1963, it shows that the issue of the Papuan People must be solved by the Papuan people themselves as declared by God,s Servant in  Papua, Rev. Isaac Semuil  Kijne  as the prophesy in the following words : 

On this rock I set the civilitation of the Papuan people, Though people may have wisdom, knowledge and and deep insight, they will never lead this people.  These People will rise up once upon a time to lead themselves. ( Aitumeri, Miei, Wasior, Papua, October 25, 1925).
2. The prayers of God’s  servants in the National Prayer Network of Indonesia have give the signal that Indonesia  will become prosperous If Papua be restored  its  human rights.

3. The failure of the implementation of  the Constitution No. 21 of 2011 about Papua Special Autonomy and the  dynamics/ opposition of the Ascelleration of the Development of Papua and Western Papua Province ( UP4B)  by the National  Government along with various problems, a.o. suicide  bombings, the burning of Churches, the insecurity of life and the killing of God’s people, in particular in Papua, the alternative of forming a Papuan State reflects to be the best solution that needs to be supported by Indonesia towards a new era of peace in the Pacific Region and the world as whole.

Indeed the regional peace  appear to be a reality in the Pacific  and the surpicion towards our neighbours  as  Australia, PNG, Phillipinnes, Singapore and Malaysia begin to fade away. This step at once protect the entire people of Indonesia in Papua to become  citizens in the new Papuan State, not as had been  traumetcally experiences in

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East Timor after 1999 Referendum where  God’s  people had experienced fear and terror.

These are our main reflections coming from  our leaders  and Tribal  Papuan Elites, that in the end if Papua is unable getting asistence from Indonesia and vice versa.

Our responsibility now is to formulate  the  benefits  and  goodness  for Indonesia  in the aknowledment  of  the  independence of this Papuan State that can be formulated through a dignified Dialogue.

4. Analyze our Human Rights and Justice values and  truth  as are embodied universally  :

a. UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December  10,  1948.

b. UN Declaration of Indigenous People’s  Rights , September 13, 2007 that the Indigenous People of a certain region are  entitled to Self Determination.

c. The Preamble of  1945 Indonesian   Constitution saying that  Independence is the right of all nations and therefore colonialism should be eradicated from this earth as it is not in accordance with justice and humanity.

5. That through the Declaration of the Third Papuan People Congress on October 19, 2011 in Jayapura, an independent  Papua State has been proclaimed that is sovereign in the territory of Papua, based in Papua National Committee  Political Manifesto of 1961, accepted by the Kingdom of The Netherlands in December  1, 1961, having complete State Atributes based on Papuan State Constitution,  written in 1999.  ( As enclosed).

6. That the result of the Third Papuan  People Congress has been reported in detail to the UN Secretary  General  and various countries  a.o. European Union, USA, Australia and others by together in maintaining world order and peace.

7. That the acknowledgement of a Papuan Federal State by world and the transfer of power from Indonesia  to Papua will be indeed  pass  together  in a  peacefull  Dialogue that is constructive concering  the  formulation of Papuan State and thereafter entering the mechanism of UN Security Council to take over the security of Papua in a not too distant time.

8. All the indigenous People of Papua are committed to cellebrate the Independence of Papua in a peacefull manner of the  “ Papua  2011 Jubilee  Year “ ,  on December 1, 2011 in the form of Prayer and Thanksgiving as our expression to the Glory of God, and to be followed by the raising of  The Morning Star flag for 12 hours , morning 6 AM to 06 PM  in the entire land of Papua.

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We  want to ask Your Excellency  and  staff to thank  that glorious event.

9. Our prayer is that this event be a moment of  peace between Papua and the Indonesian people and the world.

10. Therefore allow  us in our simplicity invite  Your Excellency and staff to participate with us in this big event on December 1, 2011 in Jayapura. Invitation letter enclosed.

11. On your willingness and love for the Papuan People  we extend you our heartfelt  thanks.
Glory  be to God, Amen.

                                                                                                         Jayapura, November 22, 2011


Chairmain ,                                        Secretary ,                   Customary Council of  Papua,

signature                                           signature                           signature
ZADRACK TAIME                               ONES BANUNDI                  WILLEM RUMASEB


Coppies to  Our Excellency :

1. The UN Secretary General/ UN Office in Jakarta.
2. Foreign Embassies  in Jakarta ;  US, European Union, Australia, PNG  and others.
3. Minister of  RI State Secretary  in Jakarta.
4. Chairman of RI Legislative council in Jakarta.
5. Commission I  RI Legislative council in Jakarta.
6. Coordinating  Minister of Politics  Law and Defence in Jakarta.
7. Head of National Police in Jakarta.
8. Chairman of  Indonesian  and World Church Council in Jakarta.
9. Governor of Papua  and West Papua Province .
10. Chairman of  Provincial Parliament of Papua  in Jayapura.
11. Chairman of  Consultative  Assembly of Papua in Jayapura.
12. The Head of Papua Police in Jayapura.
13. The Commander of Kodam  XVII  TRIKORA  in  Jayapura.
14. The Head of seven customary regions  in Papua
15. Leader’s  of Religions  in Papua.
16. Papuan senior  leaders  in the  National and Provincial government.
17. Campus  Student  Executives in Papua.

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