Press Release – West Papua Media Alerts

Announcement From The President Of The Republic Federal State Of West Papua Jayapura-West Papua, 28 November 2011, “God Restores Papua For World Peace” Announcement From The President The Republic Federal State Of West Papua
Jayapura-West Papua ,
28 November 2011

“God Restores Papua For World Peace”

Welcome 50 Years of Independence Day of Papua Nation in the State of West Papua, on last 01 December 1961- 01 December 2011, Golden Year, Year Jubilee, Year Exemption from God.

Thanks be to Thee, Lord!

Papua is one of the Nation on Planet Earth, according to the definition of nationality in terms of the category or categories of analytic practice. Analytically indigenous Papuans are negroid race, clumps located Melanesian Pacific region. And the practice has been declared in the manifest politics on last October 19, 1961 by our predecessors Papua National Committee through a legitimate democratic mechanism during the reign of the Netherlands Niew Guinea by using ethics, manners, and dignified civilization

As a nation of Papua certainly have political rights to determine their own fate (The Right self-determination), which is attached as one part, a very urgent of human rights. Therefore, the opening of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia year 1945 at first paragraph expressly states, that liberty is the right of all nations, therefore, the colonization of the earth should be abolished since it is incompatible with humanity and justice. Hence also, the people of West Papua cannot be blamed for any reason or from the point of view and or any law in this world, to celebrate our nationhood and Independence Day on each date of December 1 every year.

Asign it to the points mentioned above, I as President Republic Federal State of West Papua who elected by Third National Papua Congress on last October 19, as the highest forum of democracy the people of West Papua through theis Press Conference today I call on all parties, both in the Land of Papua (West Papuan Affairs Section), or that there is abroad in order to:

1. I call for International Community to Recognize, respect, appreciate and protect the political rights of West Papua;

2. I call for every countries in the earth must prompted the international community can provide assistance to monitor and intervene in the enforcement of security rights (human rights) in the widest sense possible for the nation of Papua in the State of West Papua in the near future.

3. To all the people I am calling for the Papuans should not be afraid to celebrate our nation, on December 1 in lively, simple or massive. Since we do not undermine any country in the world, but only defend our political rights.

4. Celebration of 50 Years, Golden Years, Year Jubelium (in the liberation of God), December 1, 2011 to be celebrated in a peaceful, safe and secure.

5. Before, during or after the celebration of Papuan nationalism to-50 years, there should be no intimidation, terror, the pressure of violence in various forms to the State Indigenous Papuans, or else there from abroad and by anyone. To the native Papuans, I called for not perform acts of terror, intimidation, extortion or physical violence to the non-indigenous peoples of Papua or other citizens who still live in the land of Papua, for any reason.

6. To citizens of other nations who live in the land of Papua, I hope to remain calm and support the celebration of December 1, 2011 as proof to receive, acknowledge, respect and appreciate the nation’s political rights in the country of Papua West Papua.

This is my announcement as President Republic Federal State of West Papua for welcome celebration of 50 years anniversary of golden Jubilee (Year Liberation of God), which falls on December 1, 2011 with Theme: “God Restores Papua For World Peace”

Thank for your attention and cooperation, justice, civilized and dignified, I express my gratitude! Do not be afraid, God is with us! Amen! Longevity 50 Years of Papua Nation.

Forkorus Yaboisembut, S. Pd
President Republic Federal State of West Papua