Despite a plan to deploy two-thirds of Papua’s police force to ensure security on the anniversary of the Free Papua Organization on Thursday, police said on Wednesday that they love Papua.

“We advise all people to maintain public order,” National Police spokesman Ins. Gen. Saud Usman Nasution said on Wednesday. “If they want to conduct religious services, please do it. We are proud of and love Papua.”

Papuans plan to raise the Morning Star flag, an independence symbol, to celebrate the anniversary on Thursday.

“Papua police will deploy two-thirds of its force to secure several regions, among others Puncak Jaya, Timika and Jayapura,” Saud said.

The national police will also send a mobile brigade company from North Sulawesi to secure the celebration in Jayapura, Puncak Jaya and Paniai. Another 800 police officers will secure the Freeport mining area in Mimika.

“Preventive action will be done by regional and provincial police by patrolling in all regions,” Saud said. “There will also be vehicle searches.”

Saud said police will try and persuade people not to raise the Morning Star flag.

“If we can advise and guide them, why should we arrest?”
