Regarding the death of a policeman by a group of men in Papua on Thursday, human rights group Kontras says it supports law enforcers’ pursuit of fair legal proceedings in settling the case.

“I have not received information on the matter, but if it is true, then legal action must be taken. However, it should be honest and fair because fairness is important,” Kontras coordinator Haris Azhar told The Jakarta Post on Thursday.

He said that he hoped the incident would not spell for more suffering for the people of Papua.

“Don’t make this a justification for sending more excessive security forces to the region,” he said.

An officer from the Jayapura Police office, identified as chief Brig. Ridwan Napitupulu, was found dead next to a river on Thursday after he was allegedly slain by a group wielding arrows and daggers.

Rumors of unrest circulated ahead of events scheduled for today, which many have dubbed the 50th anniversary of the independence of West Papua.