Papuans have never been so bold in stating their desire to secede from Indonesia as they are now.

They held commemorations to mark the 50th anniversary of what some refer to as the

“independence of West Papua” on Dec. 1 in virtually all the regencies across Papua and West Papua provinces. Most of the commemorations were filled with thanksgiving prayers.

“Overall, the situation in Papua is conducive. After the thanksgiving prayer services, the crowds returned home peacefully,” Papua Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Wachyono said in Jayapura.

However, a number of violent incidents also marked the anniversary, including an attack against a member of the Jayapura Police, Second Brig. Ridwan Napitupulu, by unidentified assailants as he was monitoring a banned Morning Star flag-raising ceremony in Berap village, Nimbokran, Jayapura regency, on Thursday.

Ridwan sustained an arrow wound on his back, and his face was badly bruised. “Ridwan has undergone surgery at the Bhayangkara Police Hospital in Jayapura and has been placed under observation,” Ridwan’s uncle, Rev. Andi Napitupulu, confirmed to reporters.

Wachyono said Ridwan and his colleague, Second Brig. Dian Budi Santoso, were traveling by motorcycle to Berap village on Thursday at around 2 p.m. local time on a tip-off from residents that a separatist flag-raising ceremony was being held there.

During the journey, they were intercepted by 15 people brandishing traditional weapons, including bows and arrows.

They both fled toward the Niru River but were swept back by the strong current. Budi managed to escape but Ridwan was caught by the gang.

He was then assaulted by members of the group. As Budi was fleeing he heard a gunshot. He immediately reported the incident and police managed to arrest seven of the attackers, while the others fled into nearby woods.

“The seven suspects [including the Berap village chief] are currently being questioned at the Sentani Police station,” said Wachyono.

Separatist flag-raising ceremonies were also held in Wamena, Jayawijaya regency; Mulia in Puncak Jaya regency; and Indah Field in Timika, Mimika regency, but authorities succeeded in taking the flags down and in Timika, police arrested three people.

When police lowered the flag at Indah Field, residents began to throw rocks at them. “Five police personnel were injured in the incident,” said Wachyono.

In Puncak Jaya, the Morning Star flag was seen flying on a hill in Wandenggobak village at 6 a.m. after the fog lifted. After police removed the first flag, a group of civilians then flew another flag from a higher point.

At around 7:45 a.m., a firefight broke out between an armed civilian group and Police Mobile Brigade (Brimob) troops. Second Brig. Iwan Fransisca Luca sustained gunshot wounds to his right hand and left arm from a gun fired from long range.

Two police officers were reportedly attacked by a group of Papuans armed with arrows and daggers, while following up on a report made by locals in Jayapura.

Meanwhile in Timika, police forcibly broke up one commemoration gathering after several of the participants hoisted the banned separatist flag.