The Jayapura Police have questioned four Papuan people in connection with the separatist flag-raising ceremony during the “West Papua Independence Day” anniversary celebration on Dec. 1 in Timika.

The four were identified as Larius Dolame, Nurbertus Timang, Marel Magai, Eli Maiseni and Marinus Pigai.

According to the head of the Pegunungan Tengah Papua Indonesian Students Association Markus Haluk, six people sustained gunshot wounds during the incident at the Indah Field in Timika. They are currently being treated at Caritas Hospital in Timika, Markus claimed. Papua Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Wachyono, however, denied the incident ever occurred. “No one was shot, whereas, in fact, five of our men were wounded in the incident,” he said Friday.

Police have also named three suspects in connection with the assault on Jayapura Police member Second Brig. Ridwan Napitupulu in Berap village, Nimbokrang district, Jayapura regency, Papua, on Thursday.

The three were named suspects after police examined seven people.

“They are identified as Thomas Tarko, Yonathan Tarko and John Calvin Tarko,” Papua Police chief Insp. Gen. Bigman Lumban Tobing told the media in Jayapura.

The three suspects are charged with violating the Criminal Code by comitting violence against members of a state institution, a charge which carries a maximum sentence of seven years in prison.

In Jakarta, however, National Police chief Gen. Timur Pradopo revealed Friday that the police had arrested four men.

“Four people have been arrested,” Timur said before attending a plenary Cabinet meeting at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta.

“Thank God my men are safe. We are now seeking other suspects. We will wait for the results,” Timur said.

“Ridwan is currently recuperating at Jayapura Bhayangkara Police Hospital,” said hospital head Adj. Sr. Comr. dr. Ubaidillah.

Doctors removed an arrow from Ridwan’s right thigh, and were preparing him for surgery to install a pin in his broken jaw bone.

Chief of National Intelligence Agency (BIN) Army Lt. Gen. Marciano Norman told reporters that commemorations of the OPM anniversary in Papua on Thursday were still under control.

“People were afraid of bad things taking place, but nothing happened. This means there was good cooperation between security, intelligence officers and people in Papua,” Marciano said.

Comments (1)

Filipino Giancarlo | Sat, 03/12/2011 - 13:12pm

Why questioning West Papuans who raise their own flag on their own land? They are not separatists, since West Papua is no Indonesia.

West Papua is not the "easternmost province of Indonesia". At the moment it is a colony of Indonesia controlled by the brutal and corrupt Indonesian security forces.

A fair referendum is needed to decide whether West Papua should or should not become a province of Indonesia. The Indonesian government should understand that it cannot win the hearts of the people by treating them like animals.

So, the Indonesian security forces should first withdraw from West Papua and then free elections can be organized under the auspices of UN. If the Indonesians really want to win the elections, they will have to recognize all the harm they have done to West Papua and engage into sending those responsible of human rights violations before tribunals.

The indonesian government should also provide fair compensation to the victims of torture and to the families of those killed.