Jayapura: Activities that are conducted by people, such as freedom of
assembly and the expression of opinion or aspirations such as pro-independence for West Papua ('M') which are being promoted by some

West Papuan people are guaranteed under the law, said the Chief of Police Police-General Drs Timur Pradopo, speaking after participating in a dialogue with stakeholders about accelerating development in West Papua at the office of the governor of Papua.

He went on to say that if this freedom of assembly and talking about independence aspirations are done in ways that violate the law, it is the responsibility of the police to enforce the law. Nevertheless,
before the law is enforced, certain steps need to be taken. If, for example, the persons who assemble wish to present their views, it is up to the police at the local level (Polsek) or the regional level (Polres), backed by the regional police chief along with the rest of society and religious leaders, to take action for their protection but they should not act in violation of the law.
'This is what is always done by police officers in Papua (Polda, Polres, Polsek), so as to safeguard the activities of each side.'

He said any violation of the law will be dealt with by the police. And furthermore, action will be taken against police officers who violate the law, such as maltreating people in the community.
He went on to say that if anyone feels that they have been harmed by the presence of the police, this should immediately be reported, along with facts and data, and there will be a response from Polsek, Polres, Polda or even the chief of police (Kapolri) will deal with the matter when the law has been violated.

'No one is immune, including police officers.'
Asked whether there could be an increase in the number of police, taking into account the current security situation in Papua, the police chief said that there is no plan in the coming days for the number of police to be increased But what is being done is enforcement of the law.

'It is the task of the police to preserve a situation of security in Papua and this should be done in a proper way in order to ensure that the plans for development and activities by the people can proceed smoothly.

[COMMENT: A shift towards greater leniency seems to be in the air]
[Translated by TAPOL]