The number of maternal deaths in West Papua is still high due to inadequate health facilities and medical personnel in the region, the local health agency has said.

Papua Health Agency official Victor Nugraha said on Sunday that in 2010, 50 woman died during pregnancy. He predicted that the figure would be about the same in 2011, but that the actual number could be double that figure.

“The number is probably less than the real figure, because many cases remain unrecorded due to a shortage of medical personnel,” he said in Manokwari, Papua, as quoted by

Victor added that the main causes of maternal death were hemorrhage, post-pregnancy infections and hypertension.  Hemorrhaging is caused by anemia due to an iron deficiency. Beside low iron levels due to poor nutrition, anemia can also be caused by malaria, which is common in Papua.

Victor said late pregnancy checks and poor surgery facilities for caesareans in clinics also contributed to maternal deaths.