Staking Freeport mijn gaat door tot in januari

Strikers at PT Freeport Indonesia in Papua say they will remain on strike into 2012 if no agreement can be reached with management on new wages.

“At the moment the strike is still on and has been extended until Jan. 15, 2012,” Freeport Indonesia employee union spokesman Juli Parorongan said on Sunday, as quoted by

The strikers - who are holding firm to a reduced hourly wage offer of US$7.50, down from an initial demand for $43 - would return to work as soon as a deal was struck, Juli said.

The union leader said he was confident management would soon agree to increase wages for the workers and seal a deal.

“Negotiations are still ongoing, but it seems that we are coming close to an agreement,” he said.

Tensions have escalated since 1,000 Freeport Indonesia employees went on strike on September 15, blocking access to the mining site.

During subsequent demonstrations several people were shot dead by security officers.