From:  Victor F. Yeimo <Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.>

Date:  13 December 2011 2:23:29 PM AEDT

    I'm international spokesperson for the West Papua National Committee [KNPB] have reported directly from Paniai, West Papua that today (13/12), the Indonesian military forces attack the West Papua movement organization (TPN.OPM) at Eduda hill. Since yesterday and this morning, Indonesian Helicopter spent many troops of TNI at Uwibutu , the post of TNI and also drop near the camp of TPN OPM headquater.

    Today on 10.12 AM (local time), many TNI trops drop at Eduda. And some info came from Baduwo near the the camp of TPN.OPM that the sound of gunfire could still be heard by people. TNI trops is now coming into post of TPN.OPM.

    The TPN.OPM commander at the Eduda, Salmon Yogi said that they will not wihtdraw from the TNI attack. "The land is our land, we will not escape from the attack. Indonesia has stollen this land. We are struggle for many years here for our liberation from Indonesian colonialism".

    Meanwhile, civilians in the place was empty and fled into the woods. Displaced as a result, there is one person who died of starvation.

    I want to enlighten to world that the bloody conflict between Indonesia and West Papua is should be solve accordance the peaceful means. The people of West Papua is demanding the room of self determination through referendum. We are not allow Indonesian military to attack people who fight for their liberation.

    Please keep concern to West Papua and pressure needed from you all to call Indonesian president to withdraw his troops for the humanity and justice in West Papua.

    Thank you


    Victor F. Yeimo,
    International Spokesperson for the West Papua National Committee [ KNPB ]
    "Tidak ada kemenangan revolusioner tanpa teori revolusioner"