JAKARTA: The Office of the Coordinating Minister for Legal, Political and Security Affairs has initiated a regular weekly session to discuss the country’s most pressing problems.

Coordinating Legal, Political and Security Affairs Minister Djoko Suyanto chaired the first meeting on Monday.

Some of ministers in attendance at the meeting were Home Minister Gamawan Fauzi, Law and Human Rights Minister Amir Syamsudin and National Intelligence Agency (BIN) Lt. Gen. Marciano Norman.

The Foreign Ministry, the Communication and Information Ministry, the Indonesian Military, the National Police and the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) sent senior officials to the meeting.

“We will have another meeting next Monday and any ministers who cannot attend can send a senior official to the meeting,” Djoko said.

Among issues discussed at the meeting was Papua.

Djoko said he had held a meeting with representatives from Amnesty International to discuss problems in Papua.

He said that the Indonesian government and Amnesty International had agreed that all parties involved in the Papua conflict should refrain from violence. “All this time, people have been more likely to think that violence was committed by government apparatus when in fact it involves conflict among civilians,” he said.

webmaster: en op het zelfde moment worden er in Paniai duizenden verdreven van hun dorpen door Indonesische helicopteraanvallen. Hoe huichelachtig kun je zijn!!!!