A soldier from the Indonesian Military (TNI) and personnel from the North Sumatran police are reported to have been injured in what appears to be the latest in a line of clashes between members of the two institutions.

The incident was allegedly triggered by a minor traffic accident in Medan, in which a car driven by Brigadier Manurung, a member of the North Sumatra police office, clipped the motorbike of Second Private Andi Julianto.

In the ensuing confrontation, Julianto, a soldier assigned to the Bukit Barisan Military Command, was reported to have sustained a gunshot wound to his stomach, while Manurung suffered head injuries.

Both were rushed to two different hospitals in the city, Manurung to Bhayangkara Hospital and Julianto to Dr. Pirngadi Hospital.

Reports said that following the traffic accident, Julianto and Manurung were involved in a verbal tirade. Although both eventually moved on, it appeared that Julianto, seemingly still irked by the incident, called his friends.

Twenty minutes later, they allegedly found Manurung and began to intimidate the police officer.

Clashes between soldiers and police officers have taken place recurrently, especially since the separation of the two institutions in 2000.

In Medan, the incident is the third case in the past eight months.

Last month, a number of police personnel were involved in a clash with TNI soldiers during a police raid at a gambling den in Medan Sunggal district. No casualties were reported.

In a gambling raid in Medan Marelan district in April, police officer Brig. Sinuhaji was injured after being hit with a wooden beam by a individual believed to be a soldier, who apparently tried to interfere in the operation.

Police spokesperson Sr. Comr. Heru Prakoso said clashes between police and TNI members were often triggered by misunderstandings. He added that every case had been settled amicably, including Saturday night’s incident.

“Every case has been resolved. The police and military have agreed to watch over their respective units so as to prevent similar incidents,” Heru told The Jakarta Post on Monday.

“During the fight, Manurung was cornered, prompting him to fire his pistol,” Heru said, adding Manurung sustained head wounds from a sharp object during the clash.

Bukit Barisan Military Command Artillery Batallion commander Maj. Mahfud Ghozali said the incident between police and military members was due to a minor matter.

He appeared reserved when asked who started the fight, saying that his unit did not want to blame anybody.

“It was just a misunderstanding. One of them was arrogant and the other was furious so the fight ensued,” Mahfud said without elaborating.

He added the case had been settled as it had been followed up with coordination at the respective leadership levels.

“It was settled. We have coordinated so such an incident will not happen in the future,” said Mahfud.

Badarudin, sociologist of Medan-based North Sumatra University, suggested the case be brought to court as a way to avoid similar incidents from happening in the future.

Military-police clashes

March 3, 2006
One police officer and one soldier die, following a clash between police and military personnel, which sparked a weekend of violence in Ambon.

Aug. 8, 2006
One police officer and one soldier are killed in a shootout in the Monument area Mulyo Musirawa District, South Sumatra.

Feb. 13, 2007
A policeman is shot dead in an exchange of gunfire between police and soldiers in Mulia, the capital of Puncak Jaya, Papua.

June 7, 2009
A member of Megangsakti police station in Musi Rawas regency, South Sumatra shoots dead a soldier during police raid at a night spot.

Sept. 5, 2009
Dozens of unidentified men mob the Matraman Police station on Jl. Matraman Raya, Central Jakarta, hurling stones and flower pots at the office.

July 4,  2010
An attack on the Muaraenim police station by members of the military.  

Aug. 17,  2010
Dozens of soldiers attack the Siantar Police station in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra.

webmaster: niet alleen Papua dus, maar op meerdere plaatsen in Indoensië is het mis.
Het wordt tijd dat Indonesië dezelfde weg op gaat als de U.S.S.R. Laat die Javanen zich met hun eigen zaken bemoeien op Java in plaats van het toepassen van koloniale overheersing op al die andere gebieden waar ze niet thuishoren.