from SuaraBaptis
Jayapura - Chairman of the Fellowship Baptist Church of Papua, Socratez Sofyan Yoman, asked the police and TNI members to immediately withdraw from Paniai.  Paniai conflict has given rise to fallen victims and can lead to ongoing violence.

"The Church will not agree when the police stormed the gang falls victim to arise." That's barbaric acts, violation of human rights, the authorities what he want. OPM also God's people, "
"TNI and the police should be immediately withdrawn. There is no reason the authorities are in Paniai in large numbers. First Paniai not like this, secure and peaceful. When there is an apparatus, then there is a conflict, "said Sofyan  Socratez Yoman, Wednesday evening, December 14, 2011.
He said the Papuan independence movement in Paniai not something new. "Why is not the first armed groups approached. Why only now approaching apparatus. What we regret is that approach instead by way of violence, "he said.
Yoman looked at repressive measures will only open the door for endless war between security officers and armed civilian groups. He asked the government and police review the policy of using weapons in the face of the Free Papua movement. "If more of its profits do not use weapons, and more losses through the exchange of fire, it just stopped."
The Church will not agree when the police stormed the gang falls victim to arise. "That's barbaric acts, violation of human rights, the authorities what he want. OPM is also God's people, "he said.
Paniai gunbattle between Brimob and the OPM, Tuesday, December 13, 2011 yesterday, has given such great losses. "There are about 70 houses burned down the police, the commander's house, we post all of them burned," said Le Yeimo, a spokesman for the OPM Division II Makodam Pemka Paniai IV.
From the police, Bripka Supono shot in the leg. "The chase continues we did. For while the OPM headquarters in Eduda we have mastered. We are currently seeking a hiding place them again and try to clean up this movement, "says Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Paniai Police Janus Siregar.
He hopes the group who opposed surrender to avoid a shootout. "We will continue to pursue until they surrendered," he said.