Questions of Member of Parliament Kortenoeven to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Uri Rosenthal about the escalating and brutal violence of the Indonesian armed forces against the local people of Western Papua (submitted on December 16th 2011)

1) How do you judge the news items ‘Shootings, village burnings and helicopter attacks continue across Paniai’ (*) and ‘Massive Indonesian offensive displaces thousands in Paniai as helicopters attack and raze villages’ (**)?

2) What actions did you take towards the Indonesian authorities and/or multilaterally, when the author of these questions indicated the fact that the Indonesian army launched offensive actions against separatists in Western Papua and that supposedly 26 Papuan villages were being attacked en destroyed during these actions? What are the results of your interventions?

3) In what way did you give substance or will you be giving substance to the resolution Kortenoeven which was generally approved in Parliament on November 29th?

4) Are you willing, because of the desired clarity and its urgency, to answer these questions separately and submit the answers before Tuesday December 20th 2011 before 10.00 a.m.?

(*) ‘Shootings, village burnings and helicopter attacks continue across Paniai’



‘Massive Indonesian offensive displaces thousands in Paniai as helicopters attack and raze villages’
