After 50 years of Soekarno’s  Trikora announcement on December 19th 1961 a demonstration was held in front of the Indonesian embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands.

After the 2 hours demonstration the following message was delivered at the Indonesian embassy in the Netherlands.

Free West Papua Campaign

50 years TRIKORA

The Hague, 19 December 2011

On 19 December 1961 President Soekarno made his statement regarding the so-called liberation of West Irian, from the hands of the Dutch, but for West Papua people it was a call for an invasion of West Papua. We have never asked to be occupied by the Indonesian State and its security forces, Indonesia acted against International Law.

West Papua is still suffering under the Indonesian occupation and its military oppression. We express our utmost concern and condemnation of the current situation in West Papua, in particular the on-going gross and barbaric human rights violation in the region of Paniai, which are perpetrated by members of the Indonesian army and police, in total impunity. Nothing has changed since 19 December 1961.

The Indonesian occupation of West Papua is illegal; we reject the Indonesian special autonomy and the UP4B.

  • We urge the Indonesian government to release all political prisoners in West Papua
  • We urge the Indonesian government to end all military operations in West Papua
  • We urge the Indonesian government to retreat all TNI-Polri personnel on West Papua
  • We urge the Indonesian government to recognise our right of self determination

We will continue our campaign in the Netherlands to restore the history and to regain our alienable right to determine our own political future.

Free West Papua Campaign (NL)
and the West Papuan community in the Netherlands.