Moses Stevens, The Ni- Vanuatu

The ongoing struggles for independence for the people of West Papua has been stepped up with the establishment of a formal committee to lobby with the UN Decolonisation Committee.

The West Papua Decolonization Committee (WPDC) was launched in Port Vila last week.

Present at the official ceremony at the Chantiles Hotel were members of the local media, veteran freedom fighter and former Vanuatu Prime Minister Barak Tame Sope Maautamate, and senior members of the West Papua National Coalition for Liberation (WPNCL).

In his opening remarks, the former PM said there have been recent developments to the push by the people of West Papua to pursue freedom and independence. International lawyers have been mobilised in London to explore the possibility of challenging the United Nations at the International Court of Justice for the referendum vote in 1969.

“There was supposed to be a referendum, but unfortunately the referendum was not held in accordance with the UN Charter.

“They (international lawyers) have already organised themselves and are doing some work to take the matter to the court.

“But this committee is set up in Vanuatu with a political perspective, to go directly to the UN Decolonization Committee, Sope said.

Sope pointed out that Vanuatu was the only Pacific country that appeared before the UN Decolonization Committee several times when the leaders were struggling for independence.

“Fr. Lini and others have passed on, but some of us who are still around, the former Heads of State Ati George Sokomanu and Jean-Marie Leye. We were privileged to be approached and invited by the leaders of West Papua to assist the committee in petitioning the UN Decolonization Committee," Sope said.

As original petitioners at the Decolonization Committee, their participation in the West Papua Decolonization Committee petition to the UN Committee would add weight to the cause.

“The name 'West Papua Decolonization Committee' has already been cleared at the registry office for the committee to be registered under. We are registering the committee here because it would be impossible to do it in Indonesia,” Sope explained.

This is similar to other pro-independence movements like the African National Congress (ANC) registered in London because they were not allowed to register in South Africa. He said Vanuatu was ideal because part of the work of the committee would be to raise funds.

“But most of the work will be done in New York because that is where most of the embassies are based, said Sope.
The launch in Port Vila has been welcomed.

“Today marks a new chapter in the West Papuan struggle for independence, said the WPNCL.

The establishment of the West Papua Decolonization Committee is a result of statements made by the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki Moon and the leaders and people of Vanuatu.

“The purpose of the committee is to concentrate on petitioning the UN Decolonization Committee for the re-inscription of West Papua to be granted the due process of decolonization, which is an alternative strategy for solve the longstanding political conflict in West Papua."

It’s understood the WPDC will comprise leaders of the WPNCL and dignitaries including former Presidents and Prime Ministers. Ordinary and financial membership would be opened to dignitaries and people with expertise from the other countries as well, according to the press release.

Vice chairman of WPNCL, Dr John Otto Ondawame stated that “the establishment of the committee is our response to the never-ending violence committed by the Indonesian forces in West Papua.”

"Regardless of the pleas by our people and encouragement by the international community for peaceful dialogue, bloodshed and suffering still continued in West Papua. We call on all West Papuans to unite in supporting this diplomatic effort," Dr Ondawame said.

Australian based Human Rights activist and native of West Papua, Paula Makabory said the work of the committee could encourage Indonesia to stop the violence and resolve the issues peacefully. She said she believed that “only a peaceful West Papua will allow people to fully participate in development.”

On his part, Rex Rumakiek, the Secretary General of WPNCL who is based in Australia, saw the establishment of the committee as “a continuation of our efforts to achieve the aspiration of West Papuan people.”

“This is also the wish of the people of Vanuatu and the Pacific people that colonialism in the Pacific must end. This was also reaffirmed by the UN Secretary General that the West Papuan issue is a 'Decolonisation concern', and the best place for it to be discussed is the UN Decolonisation Committee," Rumakiek said.

The head of the WPNCL in Vanuatu, Andy Ayamiseba said “the formation of the committee fulfills the realization of the Bill passed by the Vanuatu Parliament on 19 June 2009.

“This is what the Bill was seeking to address,” he stressed.

Former Prime Minister Barak Sope who was one of the original petitioners, who put Vanuatu on the UN list of Decolonisation, described the formation of the committee as “the noblest ideal and the least Vanuatu could do for ending the suffering people of West Papua.”

“If we cannot do it, who else could?” Sope asked.

Moses Stevens is the publisher of The Ni Vanuatu newspaper

News feature
West Papua decolonisation committee launched in Vanuatu