Media Release

West Papua National Leadership




January 12,2012
We were responded of the local news paper “Bintang Papua”  on last January 11, 2012 regarding  statement by  a attorney  of State Court of Jayapura, West Papua that possibility Porkorus Yaboisembut   and his friends will   trial proccess out West Papua, So Mr  Forkorus   was responed that West Papua   had  past  litigation of Political Prisons  in  include Mr.Pilep Karma etc. More Political Prisons who  were Indonesia killed them. So  from behind the iron trali of Second Class A Abepura Jayapura-West Papua, as Presiden Republic Federal State of West Papua,  Mr Forkorus Yaboisembut,SP.d  together with his  friends  Edison Waromi,SH,Prime Minister, Dominikus Sorabut, Selpius Boby, and Agustinus Kraar  expressed their attitudes:
1.    We   reject   trial proccess out  from  State Court of  Second Class A Jayapura. This is according to mandate of the law where the trial should be conducted at the scene of the matter. But if Litigation proccess  conducted out of Jayapura then  We  want  bring this Declaration indepedence of West Papua on last October 19,2011 to International Court and Justic at Den Haag  This is very important to prove  legal or illegal of  declartion independence of West Papua and, we need fair  and transparent and save our life and Papuan people  from Indonesian.
2.    We know that  shortly  , for the trial proccess,  then Iam a President Republic Federal State of West Papua  called  to Papua Nation  for  support all legal proccess.
3.    I hope you  must keep the peace in West Papua by the  begining of  trial proccess,  because we respect and appreciate all people who live here by   democracy  and our culture  for   respect the human rights, justice and peace.
4.    We also reject   intimidation, coercion,terror and threat by    Indonesia authority in West Papua
5.    Let we keep peace  in West Papua


Forkorus Yaboisembut, S. Pd                       Edison Waromi
President                                                   Prime Minister
Dominikus Sorabut                                      Selpius Boby
                     Agustinus Kraar