One person died and three others were injured in Jayapura, Papua, on early Thursday, after landslide struck a building on Jl. Percetakan.

An employee working in the building, Ardi Apriandi, 22, died after being struck by a large stone. The three injured people were taken to a public hospital in Jayapura for treatment.

“The landslide occurred at 12:25 a.m. local time. The victim and his two friends were chatting at the back of the building when there was a roaring sound approaching. A big stone hit the building. Ardi died immediately, while three other people were injured,” Jayapura Police spokesman Adj. Comr. Kiki Kurnia said Thursday.

Ardi’s body will be sent to Palu to be buried.

Rain has been continuously falling in steady downpours in the city since Wednesday, inundating several areas in the city, including the whole Youtefa market area. A number of houses were flooded by chest-deep water. (swd)