I report about   last situation at Jayapura   below:

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chronology report on the situation  terror and intimidation of indonesia’s military and police  for president Forkorus Yaboisembut and friends in  prison  Abepura-Jayapura  on  February 17-18, 2012

On February 17, 2012

At 10.00 pm Jayapura Police  Chief, Deputy Chief of Jayapura Resort   and  Head of  Community Institusion  prison  Abepura   were came into Political Prisoners   block one that   inhabited by the President Forkorus Yaboisembut , Prime Minister Edison Waromi  and three other political prisoners. Their arrival would deliver  or willing to report about  Strategic Cross meeting  officials government , namely Commander of Trikora,  Chief of Papua Region  Police, prosecutor of Papua, Attorney Neheri Papua, Jayapura District Court, Public Prosecutor, Judge Majesli etc. Thay were warning them  that session on Tuesday, February 22, 2012 if then the trial will be chaos  which means Forkorus and his friends  will  move them  outside Papua , but if Forkorus  and his friends   follow the law  or trial proccess  in Indonesia.

Papuan Region Chef of police also said that if they are hear riot, the security forces will take control  and will move anywhere.  Jayapura  Police Chief arrival to Abepura prison at night to deliver the Strategic Cross meeting in the evening and not  togather with  our own Lawyer   Forkorus Yaboisembut and friends said.

According to President Forkorus Yaboisembut  this  is an act of terror, intimidation against us and violation of human rights and the deprivation of   law enforcement  and respect the law  undignified also can not be separated from any part of an intervention by the Armed Forces and Police.  Abepura Prison  not allow Guests visit  prison at   at  night  and no rules as electronegative as guests at the evening service  but only at noon, this is except on the authority of Head of Abepura  but he   can allow Jayapura Chief Police entered for  Terror  West Papua Nation  Leaders    here.

On February 18, 2012

At 9:00 to 11:00 noon at Liberty Sitinjak  Head of  Prison of  Abepura is meeting with Prisons without involment  President Forkorus Yaboisembut  and friends. The present of Head  prison p at the meeting  should not get together with Political Prisoners Forkorus Yaboisembut and friends because  he said that it harms the stability of the state also should not allow other prisoners  sit down and  discussion with the resistance of Political Prisoners. He threat others

On February 18, 2012

At 21:00  pm on the   night   Police  and Military mix conducted sweeping  togather,  Police and troops  invade  or attack  the point on the block and Hold Political Criminal.  In the examination of the TNI and the police came to the door of a block of political resistance that  Inhabited  by President Forkorus yaboisembut Prime Misiter  Edison Waromi and friends. They take in the sweeping   and took  books, Letters and  kicked  plates by the TNI and the Police.

Tuesday, February 21, at Distric court Jayapura second times trial will  hear from witness.

This is very dangerous for  Safety of  President Forkorus Yaboisembut and friends, We ask International Community for support and protection for the President Frorkorus Yaboisembut  and Prime Minsiter  Edison Waromi  and friends. President Forkorus yaboisembt told the court process in Jayapura under pressure from the Armed Forces and Police.

We ask United States and  International Community for support and press Indonesia for protect  for  Forkorus Yaboisembut and friends safety in Jayapura ,
Best Regards,

Yoab Syatfle
Special Staff of Forkorus Yaboisembut