Spokesman for the Special Unit of Acceleration of Development in Papua and West Papua (UP4B) Amiruddin Al Rahab has said the unit will make sure that all programs in Papua are properly monitored and answer the people’s need.

The statement was made following the endorsement of Rp 3.8 trillion of special autonomy funds last week by the local parliament.

“We are now synchronizing every program, trying our best to avoid duplicating, let alone ineffective, programs. This has been part of the monitoring system,” Amiruddin told The Jakarta Post on Monday.

He also invited anti-graft NGOs like the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) and Transparency International’s Indonesian branch to monitor the program implementation.

“Whenever we spot indications of graft then we will invite the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in,” he said.

UP4B, which is led by Lt. Gen. Bambang Darmono, is tasked with providing necessary assistance to the provinces’ local administrations in distributing welfare to their people and avoiding conflict.


Kobe Oser, Wewak | Tue, 21/02/2012 - 02:02am

Talks on autonomy ever since 1963 have resulted in a policy of RI-STATE TERRORISM in West Papua Melanesia with the banning of foreign press.Papuans DO NOT NEED another 40 years of murder and autonomy lies, packed up in this new RI UP4B-scenario, which is an active RI-policy of stalling & diverting attention from West Papua Melanesia's GENUINE RIGHT TO SELF DETERMINATION.

These well known Indonesian divide & conquer-tactics are simply outdated as Papuans ever since 1963 need to be FREED FROM RI-TYRANNY. The Netherlands should stop playing their JUDAS ROLE & must obtain an ICJ ADVISORY OPINION inorder to hold RI accountable on the wrongful implementation of the 1962 New York Agreement which still needs to be re-implemented to its merites and purpose (the Referendum obligation). As a result the process of the 1969 Act of NO CHOICE can be corrected. The US (also for Freeports sake) should urge the Netherlands to act accordingly & hold RI accountable for the breach of contract in the case of the 1962 New York Agreement. Restoring West Papua's own sovereignity based on International law principle will be a matter of time. RI's time in West Papua Melanesia has definately come to end.