Clear solutions: Papuan students studying in Makassar, South Sulawesi, read their demands in front of the Western Papua Liberation Theater Monument on Monday. The students rejected the recently-created Special Unit of Acceleration of Development in Papua and West Papua (UP4B), saying that similar to special autonomy, the institution would not solve problems, but instead create new ones. (JP/Andi Hajramurni)Clear solutions: Papuan students studying in Makassar, South Sulawesi, read their demands in front of the Western Papua Liberation Theater Monument on Monday. The students rejected the recently-created Special Unit of Acceleration of Development in Papua and West Papua (UP4B), saying that similar to special autonomy, the institution would not solve problems, but instead create new ones. (JP/Andi Hajramurni)

Students from Papua and West Papua studying in Makassar, South Sulawesi, have protested the central government’s decision to create the Special Unit of Development Acceleration in Papua and West Papua (UP4B), saying the institution would not solve problems, but would instead create new ones.

The students said UP4B would end up like the special autonomy program granted to both provinces by providing opportunities for corruption to a small group of people rather than solving problems faced by Papuans.

Students grouped in the Students Solidarity Forum for Papuan People in Makassar staged a rally on Monday in front of the Western Papua Liberation Theater Monument in Makassar.

The students demanded a tri-partite dialogue between the central government, Amnesty International and the Papuan people to solve problems in Papua.

“UP4B will fail, just like special autonomy, because it will not solve Papuan problems,” said rally leader Tarsius Pimsokom.

“Papuan problems are not just welfare or money. Therefore, we reject it.”

The students said there was cultural bleeding in Papua caused by central government policies. (nvn)


Kobe Oser, Wewak | Tue, 21/02/2012 - 00:02am

West Papua's GENUINE RIGHT TO SELF DETERMINATION needs to be executed immediately as RI's holds a prooven 45 year-record of mismanagement on this.
RI's time in West Papua Melanesia is definately over as murder will out: To what good is the Indonesian Nation being held together by lies and deceiT & brutal military forces in the clear West Papua case? DEMILITARIZE WEST PAPUA NOW!

RI's fragile & corrupt democracy is only being legitimized by the willingness of the western world to let this military stand-off continue. Nightly droppings of Muslim Jihad-killers of all nationalities on the mainland have to stop immediately. These divide & conquer tactics & intimidation by TNI & BRIMOB security forces must stop & Amnesty International has to condem SBY for COMMITTING STATE TERROR in the Papua Region. To what extend does West Papua Melanesia have to remain part of this barbaric, incompetent & corrupt RI-Generals-soap? The Netherlands through an ICJ ADVISORY OPINION, have to hold RI accountable on the wrongful implementation of the 1962 New York Agreement which still needs to be re-implemented to its merites and purpose (the Referendum obligation). As a result the process of the 1969 Act of NO CHOICE can be corrected to restore wrongful decisions made in the past.

See link:

Instead of playing a JUDAS-ROLE The Netherlands have to obey International Laws & place West Papua back on the UN C-24 List of Non-Self Governing Territories, as in the Dutch New Guinea-period Papuans experienced prosperous nation-building, based on equal chances with proper health care & education & by upholding the RULE OF LAW. Papuans also nation-wide became a part of the electorate for democratic voting in the New Guinea Council installed in 1961, with presentation of the Morningstar flag to the International community. See footage of a peacefull co-existence of Papuans and their Dutch teachers,

See link:

The Netherlands already showed willingness on 1 December 2011 to correct errors made in the past, as on this National West Papua Independence Day, the Morning Star Flag was hoisted on a Dutch Governement building and was fully waving in the Free World without people getting shot. An Unicum after 50 years of officially Dutch denyal of this flag since 1963. For media footage of this recognition see link:

The US have to urge The Netherlands to act accordingly & condem RI for the breach of contract (on the Referendum obligation) in the International 1962 New York Agreement. The US has to withdraw its carte blanche to the brutal RI Generals regime & put a stop to the devastation of & genocide in West Papua Melanesia, and the impunity for those responsible. This by adressing the UN C-24 & directing the ANZUS Security pact. How RI manages its Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is of NO INTEREST WHATS HOW EVER to West Papua Melanesia as Papuans NEED TO BE FREED FROM RI-TYRANNY