A soldier was stabbed to death on Wednesday as hundreds of residents clashed in Wamena city in Jayapura, Papua.

Army Sgt. Maj. Bambang died from a stab wound to his head and an arrow injury, Col. Ibnu Tri Widodo, the commanding officer of the Praja Wirayakti Regional Military Command, told reporters on Wednesday.

Ibnu said that Bambang was attacked after he came to the scene of the riot at Sinagma market to find out what was happening. “The scene was close to his dormitory.”

Jayawijaya Deputy Regent John R. Banua and another soldier, Chief Sgt. Andi, were also injured during the clash, which Ibnu said was triggered by a clash between a motorcycle taxi driver and his passenger.

“The passenger refused to pay so the rider hit him. The passenger then incited his friends and relatives to take revenge,” Ibnu said.

Local police fired warning shots into the air, which further angered residents before the situation was brought under control.

Ibnu urged the police to investigate the incident and arrest the perpetrators. (swd)