Labor backbenchers have angrily defied a call by acting Foreign Minister Craig Emerson to boycott a meeting on the disputed province of West Papua so Indonesia is not offended

Indonesian embassy officials have raised concerns with the government over the launch of a local chapter of International Parliamentarians for West Papua.
The group, which advocates for the ''inalienable right of the indigenous people of West Papua to self-determination'', was launched in Canberra yesterday by Victorian Greens senator Richard Di Natale.
Dr Emerson is believed to have ''strongly urged'' his colleagues not to go to the meeting, telling caucus the Labor platform was to support Indonesia's territorial integrity while the Greens wanted independence for West Papua.
''We shouldn't be dancing to the Greens' tune,'' Dr Emerson said.

But several MPs took exception to Dr Emerson's comments, which they saw as an attempt to ban attendance at the meeting.
''I told him I'd be going anyway,'' New South Wales backbencher Laurie Ferguson later told The Age.
''What he doesn't appreciate is there is no contradiction between the Labor Party platform which says that we respect the integrity of Indonesia's boundaries … and a campaign for human rights in West Papua and for support for discussions on autonomy,'' he said, adding that parliamentary groups met on similar issues such as Palestine, Western Sahara and Tibet.
Dr Emerson was also pulled up by Labor caucus chairman Daryl Melham and former Speaker Harry Jenkins, who said MPs were free to attend any event they chose.

Labor backbenchers Melissa Parke and Claire Moore also attended the meeting.
West Papua was incorporated into Indonesia in the late 1960s but has been beset by a long-running campaign for independence.

The Indonesian embassy yesterday declined to comment.
But Northern Territory Labor senator Trish Crossin, who chairs the Australian Indonesian Parliamentary Friendship Group, confirmed a delegation of embassy officials had met her yesterday to express concern because West Papua is a province of Indonesia.
Senator Crossin spoke in support of Dr Emerson in caucus and said it was unclear what the meeting was meant to achieve as friendship groups are usually country to country.
''If it's an informal little group to advocate for human rights there - well, that's totally separate.''

A Foreign Affairs Department spokeswoman confirmed the Indonesian embassy had raised the West Papua meeting issue and said successive Australian governments had committed to the territorial integrity of Indonesia.

Note in report above.

But Northern Territory Labor senator Trish Crossin, who chairs the Australian Indonesian Parliamentary Friendship Group, confirmed a delegation of embassy officials had met her yesterday to express concern because West Papua is a province of Indonesia.
Senator Crossin spoke in support of Dr Emerson in caucus and said it was unclear what the meeting was meant to achieve as friendship groups are usually country to country.
''If it's an informal little group to advocate for human rights there - well, that's totally separate.''
A Foreign Affairs Department spokeswoman confirmed the Indonesian embassy had raised the West Papua meeting issue and said successive Australian governments had committed to the territorial integrity of Indonesia.