American mining giant PT Freeport Indonesia (PT FI) has donated Rp 58 billion (US$6.38 million) to the Timika-based Human Rights and Anti-Violence Foundation (Yahamak) to fund its programs.

 “The donation will be disbursed in two stages: Rp 27 billion in 2012 and Rp 31 billion in 2013, as stipulated in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU),” PT FI vice president for social affairs, Demianus Dimara, said after the MoU signing in Jayapura, Papua, on Friday.

 Yahamak’s founder, Yosepha Alomang, said the funds would be allocated for education, health and economic programs, as well as to enhance the capacity of the foundation’s management.

 Yahamak was established in 1999 by Yosepha, a human rights defender who received the Yap Thian Hien award in the same year, and the Goldman Prize in 2001.

 Yosepha said that Yahamak was born out of the struggles of local women living in the company’s working area.

 Responding to the numerous shooting incidents, which have recently occurred in the province, Yahamak vice director Arnold Romsumbre demanded the President take the matter seriously and to speedily arrest the perpetrators.

 “When someone is stabbed and killed in an attack with an arrow in Timika, we can easily identify the perpetrator’s clan from the arrow’s characteristics. But we can hardly identify it from a bullet,” Arnold said. (swd)

Comments (1)

baz act, burnie | Sat, 03/03/2012 - 07:03am

A good deed by Freeport.
Hopefully the $6.38 million donation goes direct to Yahamak's account without the government's percentage being taken from the total.