Beste medestrijders,


Onderstaand bericht heb ik van facebook geplukt. Dat is een bericht van iemand in Australië, waar ik dagelijks contact mee heb en lid is van 2 Australische groepen die West Papua steunen. Dit zal ik in mijn groep gooien omdat deze insteek komt uit burger initiatief en ik weet dat men neigt naar veel meer samenwerking tussen Australië, Nieuw Zeeland en Pacific Islands!

Iets van deze strekking heb ik ook op mijn prikbord gezet omdat ook de Nederlandse politiek bijna 50 jaar lang de mensenrechten schennis in West Papua heeft genegeerd veel te weinig druk heeft uitgeoefend om dit te laten stoppen, dit ondanks het feit dat men exact weet wat er allemaal na 1962 is gebeurd!!

Op de e-mail van Stephanie zijn dan ook terecht enthousiaste adhesie betuigingen binnengekomen!

mvg  Gerard


Bericht naar Australische regering:

To the Hon Ms. Julia Gillard,

As an Australian citizen who has lived in North Queensland my whole life and both of my parents and their parents before them, I consider myself a true Aussie no matter what. I love this country and I am proud to be an Aussie.
But there is something that distresses me to the maximum. As an active member of the West Papuan Freedom Groups and Pribumi Papua Barat Groups inside the Facebook etc. I am somewhat disgusted and embarrassed towards my own people/country, in the way in which we are handling the situation that is going on just next door to us at the top of Australia in a country 'called West Papua' or 'Irian Jaya' as it was called by the Indonesians. Why does Australia continue to brush the atrocities that are going on in West Papua under the carpet?
What more proof would one need to prove what is going on in this Melanesian Island nation that was forced to be under the control of Indonesia in the first place, with Indonesians outnumbering the vote in the forced voting which took place under a backyard voting system that outnumbered the local Papuan people by roughly 800,000 Indonesians.
I am disgusted that nothing has been done on this situation, although it has been plain to see that the Melanesian people of West Papua are trying in vain to call out for desperately needed help.
Another issue that concerns me greatly is the fact that Australia assists the country of Indonesia, (which is namely Jakarta and Java) with huge monetary assistance with Aus-aid scholarships and the monetary value of aus-aid assistance within the years 2011 until 2012 was Our funding (2011-12)

AusAID: $510 million
Other Australian government aid: $48.1 million
Total: $558.1 million
And this is the link that proves these numbers:

Do you know that the local Papuan people don't even see a cent of this money, even the local Indonesian people themselves are so poor, living under the bridges etc. Indonesia can't even take care of their own Indonesian people, therefore how are they going to look after a people that aren't even of their own race, the local Melanesian Papuan people, who the Indonesian military/army etc. murder, torture, rape and harrass practically every day of their lives. There are so many photographs, videos etc of these criminal acts all over facebook, youtube and many people have this evidence now.
As a fellow Oceanic, pacific Australian citizen, I am totally ashamed that my own country of Australia would continue to allow this criminal behaviour to happen in front of our own eyes and in our own backyard.
Please Ms. Julia Gillard, I am making a plea for our own fellow Pacific people of West Papua to be able to have a referendum under the United Nations to become their own self governing nation in their own rights. This is what they as a Papuan Melanesian Pacific people are trying so desperately to become a reality. They ask Ms. Julia Gillard as a people for your help and others to make their much needed dream to become a reality, before it is too late.

Kind Regards,

Stephanie Alicia Grant