Two Papuan political prisoners who are being held in Biak Prison say that they are  waiting for permission to go to Jayapura for medical treatment.They are both suffering serious medical conditions.

Jefrai Murib said that he and his colleague Apot Lokobal are waiting for information from their lawyers and from the Department of Law and Human Rights  about their transfer to Jayapura for treatment. One of their lawyers, Lativa Anum Siregar told them they would have to wait until after the case of Forkorus and his colleagues has been completed.

[Note: Forkorus and his four co-defendants were sentenced to three years on 16 March 2012. Their lawyers have just announced that the five men are due to lodge an appeal against the sentence on 2 April. No date has yet been set for when the appeal will be heard which is likely to be weeks ahead. This means that these two suffering  tapols are likely to have to wait for at least several weeks if not months before getting the medical attention which they urgently need. According to another of their lawyers,  Olga Hamadi,  they will appeal against the sentence and call for the release of the five prisoners. They will argue that the court failed to prove that the five men were guilty of makar (treason).]

As has previously been reported, lawyers at the Forkorus trial  said that none of the witnesses heard in the trial had given testimony about the alleged role they were said to have played; according to KUHAP, the Criminal Procedural Code Article 110 they should be proven to have been involved in a conspiracy.

Furthermore, 69 items of evidence were mentioned at the Forkorus trial, of which only one was presented during the trial, namely a banner.

Forkorus and his four co-defendants are now serving their sentences in Abepura Prison.TAPOL]

Jefrai Murib, one of the ailing tapols said they will have to wait till after the  Forkorus trial has been completed as well as after another of their colleagues, Kimanus has been treated for another ailment.

Jefrai Murib said the right side of his body is completely paralysed because of a stroke. 'My right hand is also paralysed. Just going to the toilet is very difficult indeed for me..'

His colleague Apot Lokobal  said that he too is waiting for a permit to get medical treatment in Jayapura. He said that his condition is not as bad as that of his colleague Jefrai who is much more seriously ill. He is suffering from the same condition as Jefrai, with the right of his body paralysed.

The two men were arrested and sentenced for their involvement in an assault on an ammunitions dump of Kodim 1702, Wamena. Another twelve tapols were also tried and sentenced in connection with the same incident.

[Abridged in translation by TAPOL]