The Papua Center of the School of Social and Political Science at the University of Indonesia (UI) was officially opened on Monday.

The center is a joint venture between UI, Papua’s Cendrawasih University and mining giant PT Freeport Indonesia.

The launch was marked by the signing of an agreement between the faculty Dean Bambang Shergi Laksmono and Freeport representative Rozik B. Soetjipto.

The agreement covers a students and lecturers exchange between UI and the Cendrawasih University, the holding of a cultural week focused on the Kamoro tribes and publication of books on Kamoro art and culture.

Bambang said that development in Papua was not easy, considering problems within the province, which is also known as the land of Cendrawasih.

“We need to get ourselves familiar with its structures and social backgrounds," he said as quoted by

He expected that the center could help develop ideas and create a foundation for development in the province.

Freeport has also signed an agreement with Cendrawasih University’s Rector Festus Simbiak that covers cooperation in education, apprenticeships, graduate development programs and student training.


Kobe Oser, Wewak | Mon, 09/04/2012 - 18:04pm

An independent and free West Papua Melanesia starts with good & proper education. Papuans welcome this initiative made possible by Freeport. Not only good education but more important FREE HEALTH CARE throughout the whole mainland of West Papua needs to be guaranteed and provided by Freeport on a very short notice because 45 years of neglection ever since the beginning of Freeports operations in 1967.

Please accept this welcoming song called: Dari Ombak Besar for a prosperous and healthy future for the people of West Papua Melanesia,

see link:

West Papua Melanesia urgently needs to be DEMELITARIZED and re-opend to let aid-and healthcare workers & free news media do their necessary work. West Papua Melanesia must be taken over by the UN-C24 according to International Law standard & practice and a prooven 45 year track-record of RI-atrocities amongst Papuans under RI's Good Governance standard. The Netherlands as 1962 New York Agreement- Tractant, is morally obliged to place West Papua Melanesia back on the UN C-24 Non-Self Governing Territories-list.

Kobe Oser KORES!