April 13th 2012
Answers of Dr. U. Rosenthal, Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs to the questions from Members of Parliament Ormel (Christian Democrats) and Ten Broeke (Liberal Party) about the conviction of Papuans in Indonesia.
Translation Pro Papua

Question 1.
Are you familiar with the article “Papuans in jail for hoisting the flag”? 1)


Question 2.
Is it a just conclusion that these men have only been convicted because they were leading a peaceful demonstration? How do you judge this conviction?

The five men were convicted because of a declaration of the independence of Papua during the closing of the third Papuan Congress on October 19th 2011. The verdict states that the declaration read by them is considered as an attempt for high treason, because this was aimed at undermining the territorial integrity of the Indonesian Republic.
On Monday March 19th the defence attorney appealed because the prosecution insufficiently proved high treason. I am waiting for the verdict in the appeal.

Question 3.
How do you judge the fact that the Indonesian authority, despite repeated international protest, still imposes severe punishment to peaceful demonstrators? What measures can you take in order to alter this?

As I have mentioned in my letter to the Dutch House of Representatives (Dutch House of Representatives, Congress Year 2011-2012, 32 735, nr. 41), The Netherlands expresses its concern in its contacts with the Indonesian government, both bilaterally and from the European Union, about the severe sentences imposed upon peaceful demonstrators for showing the Morning Star flag.

Question 4.
Are you willing to strain that convicted persons may serve their jail time in Papua, so that family members may visit them? If not, why not?

The appeal was made at the Jayapura court, that is why, for the time being, the people concerned will remain in prison in Jayapura.

Question 5.
Do you share the opinion that the slow implementation of the Special Autonomy Law is a major reason for these recurring demonstrations? If not, why not?

Yes I do. Furthermore the social-economic situation and tensions within the Papuan community are important factors, too

Question 6.
What about the accelerated implementation of the Special Autonomy Law, for which purpose the coordination-unit UP4B was founded? In which way did you support this process or will you continue to support this process, as primarily promised by you? 2)

In early 2012 offices of UP4B were opened in Jayapura and in Manokwari. Through information- and coordination-activities, the unit aims at accelerating development processes by arranging meetings in the near future. The Dutch ambassador extensively discussed these matters with the chief of the UP4B-unit and with other parties concerned in Papua and in West-Papua. It was indicated that The Netherlands will give support whenever possible to programs in Papua, such as community policing

2) Report, 32 735, nr. 41