Student protests marred a candidate registration announcement on Monday for the Papuan gubernatorial elections.

“We announce today that this stage of the election has begun and that candidate hopefuls are invited to pick up registration forms during May 14–27,” Papuan Legislative Council (DPRP) chairman Ruben Magai said.

Candidates for governor and deputy governor are required to be indigenous Papuans, whose ethnicity, according to Ruben, will be verified by Papuan People’s Assembly (MRP). Files of eligible candidates will be handed to the DPRP’s special committee before being submitted to the Papua General Elections Commission (KPUD).

“The DPRP deals only with the registration process while further verifications will be carried out by the KPUD,” Ruben said, adding that the stages in electing the governor and deputy were based on the 2011 Special Regional Law No. 6.

“The DPRP team has reported the schedule to the Home Ministry and a supervisory team from the ministry, the Law and Human Rights Ministry and the Central Elections Commission [KPU] will arrive in Papua next week to monitor the registration process,” he said.

Dozens of Cendrawasih University students staged a rally at the DPRP, calling it unconstitutional for the DPRP to deal with the registration process.

Benyamin Gurik, one of the protesters, said that the DPRP’s involvement was not justified and the law only stipulated the KPU as the election organizer.

Papua’s election has been delayed for a year with the indigenous issue having impeded progress. Some critics blamed the delay on caretaker Governor Syamsul Arief Rivai, who was appointed in July but whose capabilities in the job have been questioned. The same critics demanded that a replacement for him be sought.

Before the announcement of the registration for the governor and deputy hopefuls, the Papuan Lawmaker Caucus chairman, Paskalis Kossay, previously said that the caucus was disappointed with the acting governor’s performance, and complained about the absence of a fixed schedule for the gubernatorial election.