Dear friends,

We wrote to you recently with the tragic news of mass killings of West Papuans by the Indonesian security forces. Since then, at least five more people have been killed, and the chair of the West Papua National Committee has been arrested. We also have detailed and disturbing reports of arrests and torture of peaceful demonstrators calling for an end to the violence and re-iterating their demands for the right to self-determination.


Friends, we need your help now more than ever. Please take a moment to sign this petition calling for an end to the military offensive taking place in West Papua. Some of the latest news and videos can be found at West Papua Media Alerts

If you have a further five minutes we would encourage you to write to your MP asking for their support for an end to the violence and for them to join the International Parliamentarians for West Papua - a growing number of parliamentarians around the world supporting the right to self-determination. You can find details for your MP here and of the IPWP here

Please respond to my people's cry...thank you.

Benny Wenda
West Papuan independence leader and chairman of the Koteka Tribal Assembly