studentenleider Mako Tabuni (links)

Dear friend of West Papua,


It is with a tear in my eye, that I inform you of the assassination earlier today of the leader of the West Papua National Committee, Mako Tabuni. He was shot dead by Indonesian police when they raided student homes in the Abepura district of Jayapura.


There is now indiscriminate shooting taking place on the streets of Jayapura, with residents fleeing in fear.  On behalf of my people, I am urging the international community to wake up and help us. We URGENTLY need a UN peacekeeping force to be put in place and sent to the region.

My people are danger in the hand of the Indonesian Military and Police.


I am calling on each and everyone of you to today take an action to help the silenced people living in fear in West Papua. Please try and contact your MP today and push your Government to ask for a UN peacekeeping force to be sent to West Papua.


What we are seeing is a systematic genocide against the indigenous people of West Papua. I condemn the Indonesian President, who is ultimately responsible for the actions of the military in West Papua.


Please help us and hear my peoples cry for help. All they want is to be able to live their life with a smile and five decades of being filled with tears.


Benny Wenda

West Papua Independence Leader in the United Kingdom

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