JAYAPURA: The Papuan gubernatorial election has been temporarily halted while the Constitutional Court considers protests about the Papuan Legislative Council’s (DPRP) actions during the early election stages.


The DPRP hosted the registration process and verified gubernatorial candidates, activities viewed by many, including the General Elections Commission (KPU), as intervening beyond its authority.

Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister Djoko Suyanto said the dispute over the issue of authority would be resolved. A 2011 regulation, Bylaw No. 6, gives the DPRP authority to organize the registration and verification processes, while another 2011 regulation, Law No. 15, states that the organizer of regional elections is the KPU. “It’s purely about authority. Each side insists on their own rights based on the regulations,” Djoko said. Seven pairs of candidates are running for the election.