National Police spokesman Insp. Gen. Saud Usman Nasution said on Saturday he had yet to receive details about a report that a Papua Police Mobile Brigade officer was shot earlier today.

“We don’t know [anything about it] yet. We’re still looking for information,” he said when The Jakarta Post tried to confirm the shooting and whether a police officer had been shot.

Antara news agency had reported that a Papua Police Mobile Brigade officer, First Brig. Mujahidin, was shot in his right leg on Saturday at 3:30 p.m. local time (1:30 p.m. Jakarta time) in Mimika regency, Papua.

The shooting took place at Mile 43, where United States-based mining company PT Freeport Indonesia operates.

Freeport spokesman Ramdani Sirait could not provide immediate confirmation of the shooting either.

At least 17 people, including several TNI members, have been killed in different places in Papua since last month.