Jayapura: The Papua Police have confiscated a homemade weapon together with 47 bullets discovered in a suitcase abandoned near a trash can on Jl. Pipa Argapura in Jayapura.

The weapon was discovered by two scavengers on Monday at 11:30 a.m. local time.

“The two scavengers were suspicious upon discovering the suitcase. As soon as they saw the weapon after opening it, they reported it to the nearest police post,” Papua Police spokesman Adj. Sr. Comr. Johanes Nugroho said Wednesday.

Johanes explained that the box in which the bullets were stored was not made in Indonesia but came from overseas.

The weapon with its bullets, he said, had been sent to the National Police’s forensic laboratory for ballistic tests. “It will take one to two weeks to know the test results,” he said.

When asked whether the weapon was used by unknown assailants to terrorize the Jayapura area in a spate of recent unsolved shootings, Johannes said he could not answer because he had to wait for the results of the ballistic tests.