It has been a tragic month for the West Papuan people with a large number of shooting incidents by unknown assailants occurring in the territory.  A military operation took place on Yapen Island with the security forces searching for peaceful political activists

There was an attack on the village of Honai Lama, a sub district of Wamena in the Baliem Valley by the Indonesian security forces in which one person was reported killed and up to 17 wounded and a large number of houses set on fire. The attack was conducted by the military following the stabbing of two of its members by the residents of Kampung Honai Lama after they had hit a 10 year old boy while they were riding a motorcycle at high speed Human rights groups around the world have raised their concerns about the attack including Amnesty International

AWPA wrote to Foreign Minister Bob Carr twice concerning the incident and the detoriating human rights situation in West Papua.


The security forces in West Papua have also been targeting peaceful activists including members of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB). In one horrific incident the security forces killed Mako Tabuni, deputy chairman of the KNPB. The police claimed he was armed and resisting arrest but witnesses said he was not armed when shot by the security forces including members of the Australian trained Detachment 88.

Photos of funeral of Mako Tabuni at

The 2012 Forum Regional Security Committee (FRSC) Meeting was held at the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Headquarters in Suva, Fiji from 6 - 7 June.  The FRCS discussed a wide range of issues relating to and impacting on regional security.  AWPA also urged the FRCS to discuss the issue of West Papua

In Darwin the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard met with the Indonesian President for the 2nd Indonesia-Australia Annual Leaders` Meeting. In the wake of increased violence in West Papua AWPA also wrote to the Prime Minister asking that she raise the human rights situation and the behavior of the security forces in West Papua with the Indonesian President, although economic issues and asylum seekers were expected to be the main topic of discussion

During their joint press conference no questions were accepted from the media making it difficult to raise the situation in West Papua. However, a Tempo report stated that  President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said that Australia respects and supports the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, and sees Papua as part of Indonesia. This statement was made after the President had a lengthy discussion with Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Australian Northern Territory Chief Minister Paul Henderson”,20120705-415106,uk.html


The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) released a number of urgent actions in relation to West Papua which people can respond too.

On the 18 June 

regarding the attack conducted by members of Battalion 756 Wimane Sili towards civilians in Kampung Honai Lama west of Wamena on 6 June 2012


On the 28 June

regarding the death of a civilian and the injury of five others after the police shot them in a petty fight in Degeuwo, Papua, on 15 May 2012. The five civilians were having an argument with the owner of a billiard parlour they were visiting. The owner of the parlour called the police and three officers arrived and became involved in a fight with the civilians. None of the civilians were armed at that time.


On the 29 June

regarding the shooting, beatings and assaults directed by security officers against peaceful protesters in Sentani, Papua on 4 June 2012. The shooting and attacks allegedly resulted in the death of three protesters while 45 others were arrested and some ill-treated. The protest was organised by the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) to urge the government to investigate several shootings against civilians which recently took place in Papua.


Bintang Papua reported (7 June 2012) that the Chairman of the KNPB - National Committee for West Papua - Buchtar Tabuni was arrested. He was taken into custody while travelling by bus in Abepura. The KNPB called for the immediate release of Buchtar Tabuni.


 Reports/Opinion Pieces etc.


Dismay at NZ training of Indonesian abuser

17:49 Mon Jun 18 2012 AAP


Violence in West Papua: The Vulnerable Become Indonesia’s Latest Target

The Conversation July 2, 2012

Camellia Webb-Gannon, Coordinator of the West Papua Project at University of Sydney Why has West Papua’s non-violent student movement the West Papuan National Committee (KNPB) become the latest target of a campaign of terror in West Papua? Calls for a referendum Since Indonesia’s 1963 takeover of West Papua from the Dutch, the occupation has beencharacterised by oppression and violence…



Indonesia's mixed military ties

Posted 4 July 2012, 15:47 AEST

Indonesia and Australia's leaders this week have signed deals on defence cooperation, and Australia has gifted Indonesia with four refurbished heavy transport aircraft. 


Nethy Dharma Somba, The Jakarta Post, Jayapura | Headlines | Wed, 06/27/2012 6:58 AM




The last frontier

In West Papua Indonesian history is repeating itself as tragedy

Jun 30th 2012 | from the print edition



The Past That Has Not Passed:

Human Rights Violations in Papua Before and After Reformasi 


This joint report by ICTJ and the Institute for Human Rights Study and Advocacy (ELSHAM-Papua) provides important insight into the ongoing debate on steps required to achieve a sustainable peace in Papua. The report reviews Papua's recent history within a transitional justice framework, and provides expert recommendations on truth seeking, justice, reparations, institutional reform, and enforcing the rights of women victims. Based on more than 100 interviews carried out in 2011 in the districts of Sorong, Manokwari, Biak, and Paniai, the report reviews Papua’s recent history, including the Special Autonomy Law governing the relationship between the Papua province and Indonesia, within a transitional justice framework.


Date published:  6/28/2012

Tensions fuel clashes in Indonesia's Papua

Al Jazeera's

Tensions have sparked violence in the Indonesian province of Papua after the United Nations criticised Jakarta's human rights record there. A series of attacks in the country's eastern province have left 16 people dead and Papuans and the Indonesian military are blaming each other for the ongoing unrest. While Papuans are calling for an international investigation, the government insists the problem must be solved locally. Al Jazeera's Step Vaessen reports from Jakarta.

SBY Ignores West Papua Murders

By Alex Rayfield  12 Jun 2012