Mako Tabuni

Bijgaand een gedicht voor Musa Mako Tabuni.
Oorspronkelijk in het Indonesisch, nu vertaald in het Engels:

Translation by LTST







Musa Mako Tabuni

You were hunted down like a wild beast

You were chased like a savage animal

You were shot like a criminal

You were shot as a terrorist

Today the bulk of your blood is soaking into the yard

From the bayonet and the weapon of the terrorists

Your blood is flowing, scattered in the wild

From the hands of the oppressors and the villains

You fell as you were leading in battle

For the sake of the righteousness of the REVOLUTION

Today, you are gone for good.


O, Mountains of Gold

O, Eternal Snow on the Mountain Peaks

O, Wilderness in the Forests

O, Birds of the Jungle

O, Fish in the Sea

Hear this memorial tribute

Today a leader of the Revolution has fallen

Musa Mako Tabuni

He is gone for good


O, Parrot Bird in the Jungle

Be the carrier of this memorial tribute

O, Bird of Paradise in the Wilderness

Carry with you the news of the dripping blood of this Son of the Nation

O, Stuttering Fish in the Sea, convey this obituary message

O, Children of the Country

Spread loudly the news of his demise

Preach it through the Oceans and Continents

Release the blood of the leader of the Revolution

So that it may be heard everywhere


Musa Mako Tabuni,

You are gone for good

Your Name is engraved in gold sheets

Your Soul is imprinted in the heart of your people

Your Spirit is vibrating in the Souls of the children of the country

As they exclaim the REVOLUTION

Farewell, charismatic Leader

You are now walking in peace and quiet alongside the Lord God in Heaven

May your blood find its way to the heart of the Lord God in that final resting place.

Best wishes and one last embrace, my brother.

Musa Mako Tabuni


Ibrahim Peyon

Waena, 14 June 2012,


Ibrahim Peyon is master at the department of anthropology, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura, Papua.






Musa Mako Tabuni

Engkau yang kaki telanjang

Jenggotmu yang tak terawat

Rambutmu yang tak rapi

Pinang makanan kesukaanmu

Engkau selalu terdepan dalam barisan  bangsamu

Tampil diatas pangkung rakyat


Suaramu bagai gundur dan gemuruh ombak  di laut

Menghanyutkan rabuan masa rakyat

Gunung-gunung bergetar

Burung-burung bersahutan

Pohon-pohon melampaikan daunnya

Menyambut seruanmu REVOLUSI

Engkau sudah membangkitkan bangsamu

REVOLUSI seruanmu telah berakar

Ribuan masa bangsamu bangkit


Musa Mako Tabuni

Engkau diburu bagai binatang buas

Engkau dikejar bagai bintang liar

Engkau ditembak bagai penjahat

Engkau ditembak bagai teroris

Hari ini darahmu bersimbah ruah di pelataran

Dari bionet dan senjata kaum teroris

Darahmu mengalir berhamburan secara liar

Dari tangan kaum penindas dan penjahat

Engkau gugur dalam bertempuran terdepan

Demi sebuah nilai kebenaran REVOLUSI

Hari ini engkau pergi untuk selamanya


Wahai  gunung-gunung emas

Wahai salju abadi di puncak

Wahai  hutan-hutan dibelantara

Wahai burung-burung di rimba raya

Wahai ikan-ikan di laut

Dengarlah berita duka

Hari ini telah gugur pemimpin REVOLUSI

Musa Mako Tabuni

Dia pergi untuk selamanya


Wahai burung Nuri di rimba raya

Bawahlah berita duka 

Wahai burung Cenderawasih di belantara

Kabarkanlah tetesan darah anak negeri

Wahai ikan gagap di laut sampaikanlah berita duka

Wahai anak-anak negeri

Berserulah berita duka

Beritakanlah melintasi Samudera dan Benua

Biarlah darah pemimpin REVOLUSI

Agar didengar di seluruh penjuru


Musa Mako Tabuni,

Engkau pergi untuk selamanya

Namamu terikur dalam lembaran Emas

Jiwamu terpatri dalam sanubari bangsamu

Rohmu menggetarkan jiwa anak-anak negeri

Untuk berseru REVOLUSI

Selamat jalan pemimpin garismatik

Engkau berjalan dalam damai dan tenang di sisi Tuhan Allah di Sorga

Semoga darahmu mengetuk hati Tuhan Allah dalam ketiduran-Nya.

Salam hangat dan peluk yang terakhir kali, saudaraku.

Musa Mako Tabuni


Ibrahim Peyon

Waena, 14 Juni 2012

Ibrahim Peyon,
Dozen for Department anthropology,
Cenderawasih University,
Jayapura-West Papua

Musa Mako Tabuni

You, who was always barefoot,

Your beard, which you kept unkempt

Your hair which was never neat

And your passion for the beetle nut

You were always on the frontline for your people

Stepping forward on the stage,

Hailing the REVOLUTION

Your voice was like the thunder and the roar of the waves at sea

Sweeping away into the hearts and minds of thousands of people

Making the mountains tremble

Making the birds chirp back and forth

Making the trees shake their leaves gracefully

Welcoming you call for the Revolution

You have already raised your people up

Your call for the Revolution has already taken roots

And your nation, in thousands, is rising up