Beste allemaal,

Hierbij ter informatie en voor publicatie.

Een kleine overwinning voor West Papua, maar een grote klap in het gezicht voor Jakarta. BENNY WENDA is van de Interpol-lijst gehaald. Interpol vindt dat de Indonesische beschuldiging ongegrond is.

Strijdbare groet,

Oridek Ap
Dear Friend of West Papua

We are delighted to share news that Interpol have today removed the 'red
notice' that was issued against Benny Wenda last year by the Indonesian
Government, after an investigation concluded that the case lodged
against him was political in nature.

The Indonesian Government's accusations against Benny have been exposed as lies. Everyone here at the Free West Papua Campaign would like to extend our deepest thanks to Fair Trials International who have led the efforts to overturn the notice, along with Benny's lawyers Jennifer Robinson and Charles Foster. Also, a huge thanks to supporters from around the world who have sent messages of support through. Benny is now free to travel again internationally without fear of arrest. This will enable him to continue his work once again informing people about the ongoing genocide that the Indonesian regime is committing in West Papua - a genocide that has left over 500,000 innocent West Papuans dead. You can read more about the story on the BBC News website, the Guardian and NBC. BBC - Guardian - NBC - Thanks for your ongoing support for freedom and justice in West Papua. Free West Papua Campaign, UK