Security forces crackdown on peaceful rally in Serui

A Google translate of articles posted on a number of WP lists and on Facebook 

Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic. Original bahasa below.

However, it appears the  security forces have cracked down on peaceful demonstrators who were celebrating International Day of the World's Indigenous People in Serui. 
The focus of this year’s International Day is"Indigenous Media, Empowering Indigenous Voices".

Posted in the AWPA Australia group
From: Sek.Kerja - Perdana Menteri Negara Rep. Federal Papua Barat <Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.>

Subject: [AWPA-Australia] "Serui, West Papua DARURAT"

Serui, West Papua, Thursday, August 9, 2012 09:00 Morning
Serui, kab.kep.yapen West Papua again denounced the panic after the burning of homes, demolition of the post-post security people, the seizure and detention of civilians in the region Angkaisera, East Yapen by the police who are members of the local Police force and brimobda papua, Thursday , August 9, 2012 today struck back.

Peaceful protest (demonstrations) in order to commemorate the international day of indigenous people carried out in Serui, with action points Yapan village, and ends in tuggu Mantembu Serui struggle kep.yapen downtown district, Serui, forcibly disbanded by force army / police in the area. Police resort kab.kep.yapen, brimobda papua and Kodim 1709 Kab.Kep.Yapen using 5 each truck, forcibly break up the mass action has been done right in Anotaurei longmars with the shooting, siege, beating (waratawan), hunting and civilians caught some of them:

A. Abon mother (victim of a beating and arrest of officers)
2. Pedai Y (beaten, chased and captured)
3. Ratna Pangkurei (beaten and arrested)
4. Edison Kendi (beaten and arrested)
5. Piet Yhan Maniamboi (beatings and arrests)
6. Bramm (journalists, beating apparatus)
7. Risal Ordinary (chased, shot)
8. Matthew Pedai
9. Ruben Bonai
10. Daniel Kandipi
11. And much more

After performing the dissolution of the mass, the combined forces army / police command post directly to the governor NRFPB, public squares and perform demolition where the action is (Yapan Village II, Village Mantembu, Serui)
Civilian casualties immediately rushed to the Police Kab.Kep.Yapen. Keberadaa them the message was issued, is uncertain. Prayer support and advocacy brothers / sisters all become our strength

Report by:
A. Typhoon - Mobile: +6281344595328
2. Bram - Mobile: +6281343300752


> Serui, West Papua,Kamis, 9 Agustus 2012 09:00 Pagi
> --------------------------
> Serui, kab.kep.yapen West Papua kembali dikecam kepanikan setelah kejadian pembakaran rumah warga, pembongkaran posko-posko keamanan warga, perampasan dan penahanan warga sipil di wilayah Angkaisera, Yapen Timur oleh aparat kepolisian yang tergabung dalam satuan polresta setempat dan brimobda papua, Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012 hari ini dikejutkan kembali.
> Aksi damai (demonstrasi) dalam rangka memperingati hari rakyat pribumi internasional yang dilakukan di Serui, dengan titik aksi desa Yapan, Mantembu dan berakhir di tuggu perjuangan serui pusat kota kabupaten kep.yapen, serui, dibubarkan paksa oleh satuan TNI/POLRI didaerah tersebut. Kepolisian resort kab.kep.yapen, brimobda papua dan Kodim 1709 Kab.Kep.Yapen dengan menggunakan 5 truk masing-masing, bubarkan paksa massa aksi yang telah melakukan longmars tepat di Anotaurei dengan melakukan penembakan, pengepungan, pemukulan (waratawan), memburu dan menangkap beberapa rakyat sipil diantaranya:
> 1. Ibu Abon (korban pemukulan dan penangkapan aparat)
> 2. Pedai Y (korban pemukulan, diburu dan ditangkap)
> 3. Ratna Pangkurei (korban pemukulan dan ditangkap aparat)
> 4. Edison Kendi (dipukul dan ditangkap)
> 5. Yhan Piet Maniamboi (pemukulan dan penangkapan)
> 6. Bramm (wartawan, pemukulan aparat)
> 7. Risal Biasa (dikejar, ditembak)
> 8. Matius Pedai
> 9. Ruben Bonai
> 10. Daniel Kandipi
> 11. Dan masih banyak lagi
> Setelah melakukan pembubaran massa, aparat gabungan TNI/POLRI langsung ke Posko gubernuran NRFPB, tempat berkumpulnya massa aksi dan melakukan pembongkaran tempat dimaksud (Desa Yapan II, desa Mantembu, Serui)
> Korban rakyat sipil langsung dilarikan ke Polresta Kab.Kep.Yapen. Keberadaa mereka hingga berita ini dikeluarkan, belum pasti. Dukungan doa dan Advokasi saudara/i sekalian menjadi kekuatan kami
> Report by:
> 1. Topan - Mobile : +6281344595328
> 2. Bram – Mobile: +6281343300752

posted on Facebook
The Voice of West Papua · 116 like this
2 hours ago ·

    INFO: Indigenous Papuans have been arrested on International Day of the World's Indigenous People (August 9).
    Activists who have been arrested in Serui and now in Police custody for interrogation:
    1. Ruben Bonai
    2. Edison Kendi
    3. Yosina Pangkurei (wife of Daud Abon - home destroyed)
    4. Ratna Semboari (7 months pregnant)
    5. Sopia Kayani
    6. Hendrikus Warmetan
    7. Yan Piet Maniambo
    8. Matius J Pedai
    9. Bram Wainarisi
    10. Daniel Kandipi
    11. Beni Yobi

    UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples:

    Article 26 Indigenous peoples have the right to own, use, develop and control the lands, territories and resources that they possess by reason of traditional ownership or other traditional occupation or use, as well as those which they have other acquired.

    Prime Minister WP Aug 9 3:43 pm
    Additional nama2 victim of arrests, shootings, and the pursuit of joint military forces / police in a peaceful demonstration Serui, 9/08/2012:

    9. Matthew Pedai,
    10. Ruben Bonai and
    11. Daniel Kandipi
    There are many victims and civilians. Serui city in panic, media and information access is closed and the security forces continue to act to didaerahtsb civilians

    WP Prime Minister    3:43pm Aug 9
    Tambahan nama2 korban penangkapan, penembakan dan pengejaran aparat gabungan TNI/ POLRI dalam Aksi damai Serui, 9/08/2012:

    9. Matius Pedai,
    10. Ruben Bonai dan
    11. Daniel Kandipi

Dan Masih banyak korban rakyat sipil. kota Serui dalam kepanikan, akses media&informasi ditutup&aparat keamanan terus melakukan tindakannya kepada rakyat sipil didaerahtsb.