Two soldiers from the 408th Infantry Battalion Task Force, Sergeant Dwi Joko and Prada Miko were were wonded near the PNG border on Friday.
They were evacuated by helicopter to Jayapura for medical care.

Below is a google translate of articlec in Bintang Papua . Be-aware google translate can be erratic. Original bahasa below translation.


're Up Motor, 2 members of the TNI Shot
Saturday, August 11, 2012 02:03
're Up Motor, 2 members of the TNI Shot
Kapendam: Suspected Culprit 4 People, One Among Caught

JAYAPURA, "Do not wish that if. Do we expect people not right. However, the shooter is not clear from the members of society because society does not have a weapon, "explained Kapendam XVII / Cenderawasih Lieutenant Colonel (Inf.) Simanjuntak Jansen replied pertayaan reporters in his office on Friday (10/8) related to the shooting of two members of the 408th Infantry Battalion Task Force.
Kapendam said he did not know who the perpetrators of the shooting of two Members of the 408th Infantry Battalion Task Force.
When pressed whether the possible perpetrators of the shooting of the TPN / OPM leaders Pekikir Lambert, based in the border region, says do not be too quick Kapendam accused person or any other group.

He confirmed two members of each Task Force 408 Infantry Battalion Sergeant Dwi Joko and Prada Miko shot OTK when
Two members of the TNI Infantry Battalion Task Force 408, respectively Sergeant Dwi Joko and Prada Miko shot Strangers (OTK) of four people when it crossed the palm plantation in Kampung Suskun, Eastern District Arso, Keerom District or 1 Km from the Post Wambe, Friday (10 / 8) at around 8:00 CDT. Kapendam XVII / Cenderawasih Lieutenant Colonel (Inf.) Jansen Simanjuntak confirmed reporters in his office on Friday (10/8) confirmed two members of each Task Force 408 Infantry Battalion Sergeant Dwi Joko and Prada OTK when Michael was shot through the palm oil plantation in Kampung Suskun, Eastern District of Arso District Keerom or 1 Km from the Post Wambe on Friday (10/8) at around 8:00 CDT.

However, he explained, the 408 Infantry Battalion Task Force member was shot bullets. But hit a nearby rock fragments exposed temvakan. As a result, Sergeant Dwi Joko suffered bullet wounds to the left leg calf, bruising to the face and forehead wound in the left eye. While Prada Miko suffered bruises to the face and head.
He said the two victims were evacuated in the RS Marthen Indey, Aryoko, North Jayapura District uses Helycopter.
"Both victims were healthy and sober. But the medical team is working to remove stone chips left in tubub victims, "he said.
He expressed, it was the pursuit of action against the alleged perpetrator 4 was on scene when the shooting occurred. But one of them had been arrested.

Detailed chronology of the alleged shooting of two Members of the 408th Infantry Battalion Task Force began on Friday (10/8) at around 07:30 CEST 2 408 Infantry Battalion Task Force members each Dwi Joko and Prada Sergeant Michael departed from the Post Wambe use motorcycles Honda Mega Pro type No.Pol. B 6067 COR/07.14 towards Kampung Suskun, Eastern District Arso, Keerom District. With the goal of cutting the grass to borrow tools Wambe Village community in the name of Paul. But these tools do not exist. Both were passed.
7:40 pm EDT because the tool did not exist then both the 408 Infantry Battalion Task Force members straight to Kampung Wambe. 7:50 pm CDT after taking two members of the grass cutting equipment back to Heading next Wambe.
At 08.00 CET at the moment on his way back through the garden of the Kampong Wambe oil or 1 km of Postal Wambe. Suddenly both one-time shot from the left. They immediately fell off the motorcycle. As a result, Sergeant Michael Dwi Joko and Prada suffered gunshot wounds in the body.
At 08:05 CET the two members of the task force ran into Wambes post within 1 km from the scene. To ask for help, returning shot to the left 3 times to shoot.
At 08:20 CET the two members of the Task Force arrived at the post immediate Wambe Ambulance transported the car to the 408 Infantry Battalion Task Force Kout PTP 144 for prevention of bleeding. At 10:25 CET the two victims were evacuated RS menu Marthen Indey Helicopter ride.
After the incident, the suspect through the village at the time of the incident Suskum on behalf of Oscar Numberi now detained and questioned at the police station Keerom. (Mdc/don/l03)


Sedang Naik Motor, 2 Anggota TNI Ditembak   
Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012 02:03
Sedang Naik Motor, 2 Anggota TNI Ditembak
Kapendam: Diduga Pelakunya 4 Orang, Satu Diantaranya Tertangkap

JAYAPURA—”Jangan  berandai  andai. Jangan  kita menduga  orang  yang tak benar.  Tapi,  yang  jelas  pelaku  penembakan bukan  dari anggota  masyarakat  karena  masyarakat  tak  memiliki senjata,”jelas Kapendam XVII/Cenderawasih Letkol  (Inf) Jansen Simanjuntak  menjawab pertayaan wartawan di ruang kerjanya, Jumat (10/8) terkait penembakan dua anggota  Satgas Yonif 408.
Kapendam mengatakan,  pihaknya  belum  mengetahui  siapa pelaku penembakan   dua Anggota  Satgas  Yonif 408.
Ketika didesak pelaku  apakah kemungkinan penembakan tersebut  dari  kelompok  TPN/OPM  pimpinan  Lambert Pekikir  yang  bermarkas  di  wilayah perbatasan, Kapendam mengatakan jangan terlalu cepat menuduh orang atau kelompok lain. 
Ia  membenarkan   dua  Anggota Satgas Yonif 408  masing  masing Serda Dwi  Joko  dan  Prada Miko ditembak  OTK  ketika 
Dua Anggota   TNI   dari   Satgas Yonif 408  masing masing Serda Dwi  Joko dan Prada Miko ditembak Orang Tak Dikenal  (OTK) sebanyak  4 orang  ketika  melintasi  perkebunan sawit  di Kampung  Suskun, Distrik Arso Timur, Kabupaten Keerom atau  1 Km  dari Pos Wambe , Jumat (10/8) sekitar pukul 08.00 WIT. Kapendam XVII/Cenderawasih Letkol  (Inf) Jansen Simanjuntak yang dikonfirmasi   wartawan  di ruang kerjanya, Jumat (10/8) membenarkan   dua  Anggota Satgas Yonif 408  masing  masing Serda Dwi  Joko  dan  Prada Miko ditembak  OTK  ketika  melintasi  perkebunan sawit  di Kampung  Suskun, Distrik Arso Timur, Kabupaten Keerom atau  1 Km  dari Pos Wambe  pada Jumat (10/8) sekitar pukul 08.00 WIT.
Namun  demikian,  dia  menjelaskan, kedua Anggota  Satgas Yonif  408   tak   tertembak  peluru. Tapi   terkena serpihan  batu  didekatnya yang terkena temvakan.  Akibatnya, Serda Dwi  Joko  menderita  luka tembak pada bagian betis kaki kiri, luka memar pada  bagian wajah dan luka robek pada pelipis mata kiri.  Sedangkan Prada Miko menderita luka memar  pada bagian wajah dan  bagian kepala. 
Menurutnya,  kedua korban  dievakuasi   di  RS  Marthen Indey,  Aryoko, Distrik Jayapura Utara  menggunakan  Helycopter.
“Kedua  korban  dalam  keadaan  sehat  dan  sadar. Tapi  Tim  Medis  tengah  berupaya mengeluarkan serpihan  batu   yang  tertinggal  di tubub korban,” tukas dia. 
Dia mengutarakan, pihaknya tengah melakukan aksi pengejaran  terhadap  4  pelaku  yang diduga berada  di  TKP  ketika  terjadi  aksi  penembakan  tersebut. Tapi  seorang diantaranya telah  ditangkap. 
Detail  kronologis  kasus  dugaan  penembakan  dua  Anggota  Satgas  Yonif  408  berawal  pada   Jumat (10/8)  sekitar pukul 07.30  WIT  2 Anggota   Satgas Yonif 408 masing masing Serda Dwi  Joko dan Prada Miko berangkat  dari Pos Wambe menggunakan sepeda motor  jenis Honda Mega  Pro No.Pol.B 6067 COR/07.14 menuju Kampung  Suskun, Distrik Arso Timur, Kabupaten Keerom.  Dengan tujuan meminjam alat  potong rumput  di   masyarakat  Kampung  Wambe  atas nama Paulus. Tapi alat  tersebut  tak ada. Keduanya berlalu.
Pukul 07.40  WIT karena alat  tersebut  tak ada maka kedua Anggota Satgas  Yonif  408  tersebut  langsung menuju Kampung Wambe.  Pukul 07.50  WIT setelah kedua  anggota  tersebut mengambil alat potong  rumput   selanjutnya  kembali ke Pos Wambe.
Pukul 08.00 WIT pada saat  dalam perjalanan  kembali  dari Kampung  Wambe melewati kebun sawit atau 1 Km  dari Pos Wambe. Tiba  tiba keduanya   ditembak  satu kali dari arah kiri .  Keduanya  langsung  terjatuh dari sepeda motor. Akibatnya, Serda Dwi  Joko  dan  Prada  Miko  menderita  luka tembak di tubuh.
Pukul 08.05  WIT kedua anggota tersebut langsung berlari ke Pos   Satgas  Wambes  yang  berjarak  1 Km dari TKP. Untuk  meminta  bantuan sambil membalas  tembakan ke arah kiri  sebanyak  3 kali tembak.
Pada 08.20 WIT kedua  anggota  tersebut  tiba di Pos   Satgas  Wambe  langsung diangkut  mobil  Ambulance  Satgas Yonif 408  ke Kout 144 PTP  untuk pencegahan perdarahan. Pukul  10.25  WIT kedua korban dievakuasi  menu RS Marthen Indey menumpang Helicopter.     
Pasca  kejadian, masyarakat yang dicurigai melewati  Kampung Suskum pada  saat kejadian atas  nama Oscar Numberi kini ditahan dan  dimintai  keterangan  di  Polres Keerom. (mdc/don/l03)